Page 16 of Drake

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“They don’t,” Abby said. “I’m taking online classes and will finish school next semester at the University of Montana in Missoula.”

“What are you studying?” Judge asked.

“Forensic science,” she said. “I want to work with the state crime lab.”

“Admirable,” Murdock said.

“I’ll get your orders to the kitchen. Let me know if you need refills on those drinks.” Abby turned and hurried away.

“Steady, boy,” Grimm murmured beside Murdock.

Murdock’s lips pressed together. “Relax. She’s too young. I like a woman who’s established, knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go for it. Take the pretty deputy who came out to the lodge today. She’s more my speed.”

Drake’s hand tightened around his glass. He schooled his face into what he hoped would project indifference. Inside, he wanted to shout, “Back off! The deputy is mine.”

But she wasn’t. He had no claim to Cassie. They were meeting, not as a date, but as two people spending time together with no expectations other than sharing a conversation over beer.

Hopefully, the guys wouldn’t linger at the tavern after the meal. Drake wasn’t sure where things would go with Cassie, and he didn’t want his friends to know anything about their assignation. Then again, he didn’t want Murdock hitting on the deputy. Then again, Cassie didn’t have to be exclusive to Drake. She was her own person, making her own decisions.

At that point, Drake wished he could fast-forward his relationship with Cassie to know whether she would find him interesting enough to be more than a friend sharing a table and conversation.

It had been a long time since he’d gone on a date. He wasn’t exactly sure what a single woman expected from a man. He might be old-fashioned, but he felt like he should pay for the drinks and meal if they chose to eat.

It’s not a date.

She’d been firm about that.

“Tired?” Grimm asked, bringing Drake back to present company, surrounded by men with whom he’d served.

Drake nodded. “A little. But breaking down walls felt good.”

Murdock grinned. “Gets out all your frustrations.”

“Until you stumble across a body,” Judge said. “I bet that was weird.”

Drake nodded. “I can’t stop wondering who she was. I keep imagining the family that has gone years not knowing what happened to their loved one.”

Judge nodded. “I don’t know about you, but finding a body puts a damper on what we’re trying to accomplish.”

“Yes, it does. Thankfully, we have more walls to pound. That should help a little.”

“Tearing something down and then building it up again should be cathartic,” Murdock. “Kind of like what they did to us in BUD/S training. That’s what we’re doing with the Lucky Lady. It’s not a happy place now, but maybe once we get her fixed up, she will be.”

“And if we can solve the mystery about the lady in the rock room, we can put one family’s minds at rest,” Grimm added.

“Like releasing the bad juju from the lodge?” Murdock said. “It was creepy finding her. But you have to believe it was meant to be. She couldn’t rest in peace until the secret of her disappearance was resolved.”

Abby appeared weighted down by a large round tray filled with platters of food. She set the tray on a stand and distributed steaks and hamburgers where they belonged. When she was done, she slipped the tray under her arm and smiled. “Ready for another beer?”

Judge held up a hand. “Not for me.”

“I’ll take one,” Utah said and pushed his empty glass toward Abby. Drake, Grimm and Murdock all shook their heads, not even halfway through their current drinks. Drake wouldn’t order another until he met with Cassie. He wanted a clear head when he asked all the questions he had for her. He’d have to pace himself so as not to overwhelm her to the point she ran screaming from the tavern.

He was saved from further conversation as he cut into the most tender steak he’d ever sliced through with a butter knife. It practically fell apart on its way to his lips.

Drake moaned. “Wow,” he said. “Ms. Dottie wasn’t lying. The food here is amazing.”

“I’d almost go so far as to say it’s better than sex,” Murdock said with a straight face. Then he grinned. “Nah, just kidding. Nothing’s better than sex.”
