Page 57 of Drake

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“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Hank led the way to the helicopter, helped Cassie up into the back and buckled the safety harness around her. Drake settled on the seat beside her and buckled up. Hank climbed into the co-pilot’s seat and slipped a headset over his ears.

Within moments, the helicopter lifted off the ground, rising straight up to clear the peaks, and headed northeast toward Eagle Rock.

When they could see the lights from Eagle Rock, the chopper slowed. A few miles short of town, it landed on a designated pad on a sprawling ranch.

Hank climbed out of the co-pilot’s seat and helped Cassie down from the helicopter.

Once Hank, Drake and Cassie were on the ground, the chopper rose and disappeared into the night sky.

“Come,” Hank said. “It’s getting late, but I’m almost certain Sadie will be awake, fixing lemonade, sweet tea and whiskey.”

“I could use some of that whiskey,” Cassie said.

“You two are welcome to stay the night,” Hank said. “In fact, after what you’ve been through, it would be better all around. And it’s late; you don’t want to wake Ms. Dottie at the B&B.”

Drake nodded. “Thank you.”

Hank smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ll find some clothes for you both so you can shower off the dust.”

As Hank had predicted, his wife Sadie was waiting for them when they entered the beautiful, sprawling home.

She had a tray prepared on the kitchen bar with food and drinks.

“You two must be exhausted. I have rooms ready for you. Get something to eat and drink, and I’ll take you up.” She walked into Hank’s arms and kissed him soundly. “I don’t like it when you go up in the helicopter at night. I’m always afraid you’ll crash into a mountain.”

“My pilot knows what he’s doing. Besides, we found Drake and Cassie alive. None of us were sure we would.”

“Did you notify Cassie’s brother and Sheriff Barron?”

Hank nodded. “And we let Molly McKinnon and the crew Drake’s been working with know he made it back safe and not to expect him at the B&B tonight.” He kissed the top of her blond hair. “Did I get everybody?”

She laughed. “I think so.” She turned to Drake and Cassie. “A lot of people were worried about you. Even Abby Matson called the sheriff asking where you were.”

Cassie frowned. “What time is it?”

“Past midnight,” Sadie said. “Please, eat something.”

Drake snagged a roast beef sandwich from the stack of sandwiches and polished it off quickly. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. They’d planned on eating supper once they got back to Eagle Rock, never suspecting they would be four hours later than planned—and lucky to be there at all.

Cassie nibbled at the cheese cubes and olives, washing them down with lemonade. After a few bites, she brushed the crumbs from her fingers.

“Do you know if anyone is doing avalanche control this time of year?” Cassie asked.

Hank frowned. “They don’t do that until there’s a lot of snow in the mountains. Why?”

“Before the landslide, we heard what sounded like the canons they shoot off to trigger the snow to fall.”

“I can’t imagine anyone doing that during the summer,” Hank said. “You think that triggered the landslide?”

“Pretty sure,” Cassie said. “We ran into the landslide immediately following the boom.”

“I’ll have my computer guy, Swede, check into it.”

“If you’re finished,” Sadie said, “I’ll show you where you can shower and sleep.”

Sadie led the way up a curved staircase to the second floor. Passing a few doors, she stopped in front of one of the rooms and pushed open the door. “Cassie, I put you in here. The bed is soft, and you have your own shower. I’ll come back by with some night clothes.”

Leaving Cassie in her room, Sadie led the way to the next room, threw open the door and waved Drake through it. “You have a shower and clean towels. If you need anything else, let me know. I’m glad you and Cassie made it out of that landslide intact. I’m sure it was frightening.”
