Page 75 of A Million to Stay

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Chapter 31



“That was delicious,” Brodi says after finishing the soup I brought up for him.

I smile as I watch him settle beneath the sheets and pull the covers up over him.

“It should help,” I reply, gathering the tray and setting it aside.

It’s been two months since we made that deal. I’m eight weeks closer to leaving this man behind. Sixteen weeks away from owning two million and my freedom.

So why do I feel like I’m in quicksand and I’ll never be free?

“Do you want to play cards again?” he asks hopefully.

I give a warm smile. We had fun this afternoon. He was able to play for a bit before passing out and sleeping for a few hours.

I actually feel bad for him. Not just him but Eileen as well. It’s been two days since they went out for dinner. They both returned with some type of stomach bug and a cold. I’ve been nursing the two since while trying to help keep little Chloe busy as well.

“Sure, why not?” I shrug and kick off my shoes.

Grabbing the cards from the nightstand, I climb onto the bed to get comfortable beside him. He pulls himself up weakly, resting against the headboard. I pause long enough to watch him, wondering if he should rest instead.

“I’m fine. Come on, deal,” he says.

I narrow my eyes. “What are we playing?”

“Need you ask?” he says hoarsely.

I shake my head but start to deal the hand. He grins over his cards when I’m done. Even under the weather, his eyes work magic I need to steer clear of.

“Do you have an Ace?”

“Go fish,” he says with a smile.

I stick my tongue out at him and pluck a card. I can’t believe we’re playing this game again. I feel like a little kid.

“It’s your turn. What are you staring at?” I say as I look over my cards to find his intense gaze fixed on me.

“You’re gorgeous when your eyes sparkle like that,” he replies.

I tilt my head at him. I look into those gray eyes and my heart squeezes. I turn my gaze away to focus on my hand.

“Do you remember when we went to that vineyard?” he asks instead of taking his turn.

I drop my hands into my lap. My shoulders sag. These trips down memory lane are bittersweet. They were some of the best times in my life, but they also led to my biggest heartache.

“Yeah, I remember,” I say quietly.

“My favorite moment from that day was sitting out on that blanket while playing cards and sipping wine. You were adorable when you got tipsy, and I had to carry you back.” He chuckles.

I bite my lip as I remember that day for a different reason. It was the heated lovemaking after he carried me back to the bed-and-breakfast on the vineyard that flashes in my head. My nipples harden with my thoughts.

“Yeah, that was a fun trip,” I say breathlessly.

He lifts a brow at me. I lift my cards back up, placing my focus on them. I don’t think we should continue this trip he has started.
