Page 89 of A Million to Stay

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Chapter 36



I wanted to make our honeymoon week special. The look in Cee’s eyes says it all. This has been an amazing day. I woke her with breakfast in bed and then we took a ride for this.

A hot-air balloon ride. I watch her face as it beams with joy. I had no idea she would enjoy this so much.

“This is beautiful. I can’t wait to get back to the studio. This has sparked so much inspiration,” she gushes.

“I wish I had the talent to capture you in this moment.”

She laughs. “That’s what cameras are for.”

I chuckle and move to stand behind her to wrap her in my arms. I lift my phone and hold it out in front of us as she snuggles into my embrace. I take a picture, then kiss the top of her head as I take another. Closing my eyes, I breathe in the moment.

She takes my phone from my hand as I remain in the moment. My net worth could never match the wealth I feel in this moment. I’m at peace. Life is starting to make sense again.

“You know, I would never do something like this back home. Sid is terrified of heights.”

I open my eyes. “I wonder if Clay knows. He loves skydiving and bungee jumping.”

“She would totally shit her pants. This one time in high school, we went on a trip and had to walk over this overpass. The fit she threw.”

“Clay will eat that knowledge up. A reason for him to protect her,” I scoff.

“That is if she’ll allow him to protect her. Sid has always been so independent. She deserves someone who will allow her to relax. You know, someone she can trust to give control to.”

“And you, what do you deserve?”

She turns in my arms and places her palms on my chest. I peck her lips before she replies.

While keeping her gaze on her hands, she says, “I deserve the same. I used to have that. I deserve to have it again and to trust it won’t change on me.”

“It won’t. I promise it won’t. Nothing will ever force me to hurt you again, Cee.”

She wrinkles her brows and lifts her gaze. “Is it crazy that I want to believe you, but I don’t know how?”

“No, it’s not. All I can do is show you. I know one day it will sink in. Consistency. That’s my goal.”

“Letting go. That’s mine. Letting go of the past and letting go to trust. That’s where I’m trying to get to. I am trying, Gregor.”

I take her lips in a deep kiss. The sound of the flame coming to life above our heads is the only thing to break us apart. I place my forehead to hers.

“We can be anything we want. Our marriage marks a new beginning. Walk this journey with me, baby. Trust me with our future and I’ll lead the way.”

“Consistency. I need to see it consistently.”

“I know.”

I’ve got this from here. She’ll see.
