Page 9 of A Million to Stay

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Chapter 4

The Envelope


A year and six months later…

I wake to my phone ringing by my head. Placing a hand on my head, I groan. I didn’t get any sleep last night.

For hours, I turned over what Clay and I plan to finally set in motion. After a year and a half, the time is right. Opportunity is in our favor.

I’ve had more than enough time to back out, but with each day that passes, I know I won’t. Time is running out and I’m anxious to finally have Cee in my arms. Once those invitations go out today, there’s no turning back.

However, it’s been eighteen months since Dad started this shit and we still have no other solutions. It makes the most sense to do this Clay’s way. Not to mention my life has gotten more complicated. I only want to deal with people I can trust.

“Hello,” I breathe into the phone after a deep inhale.

“Good morning, sir. Have you checked your email this morning?”

“Good morning, Eric. No, I haven’t,” I say to my assistant.

“I think you might want to. I know you’re in New York, but this is going to need your attention.”

I sit up and place the phone on speaker as I go through my emails. I furrow my brows. Of all the times, this would happen now. I worked on this deal for months. All they had to do was sign the paperwork today.

“What the fuck is going on?”

“I don’t know, sir, and they won’t talk to anyone but you.”

“Fuck, fine. I’ll call and see what I can do.”

I don’t have time for this. I wasn’t expecting Clay’s call last night to tell me he was setting things in motion now, but he doesn’t know about the shit I have going on. I’m supposed to be on my way to Dubai.

It was a trip I had planned to get some answers and to see to my responsibilities there. I don’t plan to be gone long.

I wish I could disappear like Cane and act like this isn’t happening. He has dodged this bullet and still has two years to get out of it. I can only imagine why that is. My little brother still has some growing up to do.

“Sir, I’m sorry. That’s not going to do. They want to talk to you in person. They’re insisting.”

“Are you shitting me?” I seethe.

“I guess they feel they have all the bargaining chips here. They’re making demands because they’re threatening to pull out.”

“I get that, Eric. Fuck. Listen, get the jet ready for me. I’m heading your way now.”

“And Dubai?”

“You leave me to worry about that,” I growl.

I hang up and start a text to Clay and David. I need to make this trip, but I don’t want to change a thing with Chloe. If she finds out this is coming from me before she agrees to the contract, I’m fucked. I need Clay to come through for me.

Me:Emergency in Georgia. Move forward as planned.

I go to put my phone down, but it rings. Looking at the name on the screen, I groan. The dull headache in my head starts to throb.

I don’t need this shit right now. I send the call to voice mail. I’ll deal with that crap when I’ve had some coffee.

* * *
