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Chapter 4

Two pieces of French toast and some bacon later, Kyra felt like she had a new friend. Sadie was at least partly in Little mode, but maybe that was because she lived at Rawhide Ranch she got to be in that space all the time?

She felt a little bit jealous. It was that, plus having such a wonderful, dedicated Daddy. Not that she needed one herself. Nope, she was leaving that behind for now, and maybe even forever. Richard had shown her that it was sometimes more trouble than it was worth.

“Ooh, I’m stuffed!” Sadie said, patting her tummy. “Now that we’ve eaten, do you wanna talk about what happened?”

Kyra shrugged. “I guess so. I mean, I probably need to but it’s hard. Like talking about it in detail will make it more real or something. But I totally feel like I can trust you, and if it’s not someone here, who else would ever understand?”

“That’s one of the best things about the Ranch. It’s one of the few places in the entire world where we can be ourselves. And even be appreciated for it, like my Daddy appreciates me.”

“Yeah, I don’t know that there’s enough Daddies to go around for all of us who need them. Not that I need a Daddy. Not anymore.”

“Really?” Sadie asked, her big blue eyes nearly tearing up.

“Don’t be sad, Sadie. I’ll be okay,” Kyra said, looking down at the napkin in her lap.

Would she be okay? She honestly wasn’t sure. Sure, she talked a good show, but the idea of being a Little with no Daddy for the rest of her life? She couldn’t wrap her head around the idea, so she wouldn’t dwell on it. It was simply the best way for now.

“But you don’t have to be,” Sadie insisted. “You could find another Daddy if you wanted to. Don’t give up! Please don’t do that. You’re a Little, right?”

Kyra nodded.

“Then we need to find you a Daddy to take care of you.”

“But do they really? I can see that your Daddy does, but are there any other good Daddies left out there?”

“Of course there are! I’ve met tons of them. And you kinda came with a good Daddy already.”

“What? Richard was a terrible Daddy! He let me down. He cheated on me and he never took good care of me. I couldn’t count on him for anything. He’s a liar and a bad, bad man.”

As she said the words her eyes stung with tears. Saying it out loud hurt. But maybe Sadie was right: she did need to talk about it.

“Here.” Sadie offered her napkin for Kyra to wipe her tears. “That’s better. I know Richard wasn’t a good guy, but what about Mr. Brock?”

“Brock? My bodyguard Brock? What about him?”

“Really? You can’t feel his Daddy energy? Because wow, he just oozes it! And you can’t see how much he adores you? Because I can and my Daddy can, and we’ve just barely met him.”

Kyra waved a dismissive hand. “Nah, it’s just his job. I mean, sure, we’re friends. But he takes care of me because that’s what he gets paid to do.”

“I don’t think so,” Sadie said in a sing-song voice.

“No.” Kyra shook her head. “Nope, he’s doing his job and we’re… friends, I guess, but that’s all. And I don’t want another Daddy. I don’t! I really, really, really never want another Daddy again!”

A sob came out, then another, and soon Kyra was full-on crying, clutching her stuffy tight to her chest.

“Oh no!” Sadie came around the table and put her arms around Kyra. “Don’t cry! Please don’t cry.”

Kyra didn’t want to admit how much she needed someone to hug her. Little or not, she was pretty independent, and she wasn’t much of a crier. But it did feel good to let some of it out. After a few minutes she calmed down.

“I’m okay. Thanks, Sadie. You’re a real friend.”

Sadie stepped back, peering into her face. “You sure you’re all right now? And you bet we’re friends. Friends forever!”

Kyra hiccupped. “Thanks.”

“Sure! Wanna come see my pony now? Or do you wanna go to your room and rest?”
