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“I’ve ridden lots of horses, we don’t have to go slow,” Kyra interjected.

“Yeah, Travis, c’mon don’t be a stick in the mud,” Sadie whined.

He gave her a stern look. “What did you call me, little girl?”

“Mr. Travis,” Sadie repeated. “Mr. Travis, don't be a stick in the mud.”

The side of his mouth turned up and he shook his head. Brock had to give him props, the man had the patience of a saint.

“You wanna talk about sticks? Watch it or I’ll find a nice stick on the trail to help remind you of your place, little girl.”

Sadie sighed, “I’m sorrryyy.” She drew out the word. “But can’t we maybe go a little fast where it’s safe? Pretty please? I know how to trot and canter, and I think Kyra does, too.”

“That’s a much better way to ask for something, thank you. If Brock and Kyra feel comfortable, then yes, we can do that, but only because I know you’re a good rider.”

“Yay!” Both girls squealed so high that Brock almost had to cover his ears.

He loved that Kyra was already enjoying herself, but if they didn’t cut the squealing he was going to have a hell of a headache.

Travis shook his head. “You do know you can’t squeal like that once we’re all mounted or you’ll spook the horses, girls?”

“Yes, Mr. Travis, we know,” Sadie answered. “I’m sorry.”

Kyra nodded in agreement.

“Thank you, Travis,” Brock interjected with a relieved sigh.

“Okay then. Kyra, this sweet little paint is Starling. She’s a good ole’ girl, gentle as a lamb. And Brock, I’m giving you Jett today,” he said, gesturing to a black horse with white stockings who must have stood a good eighteen hands high.

Brock nodded and boosted Kyra into the saddle while Travis helped Sadie onto her small brown horse, whose name apparently was Snickers. Then the two men helped the girls adjust their stirrups before mounting their horses.

Brock watched Kyra murmuring quietly to her horse while she stroked its mane. She sure was about the cutest damn thing in the world. He knew she loved animals and it was a shame that bastard Richard would never allow her to have any pets. A small dog would be easy enough to travel with. Richard probably didn’t want the added responsibility. Not that he’d handled the responsibility of Kyra’s career and his relationship with her very well, so add a dog to the mix and it might have been a disaster. But hell, if it was up to him Kyra could travel with a whole small pack of dogs if it would make her happy. And seeing her delight at simply being on horseback, he couldn’t imagine denying her anything that would cause that adorable smile to disappear.

“You okay bringing up the rear, Brock?” Travis asked, “Or should I have my Wren join us? She can saddle up real quick. I should have asked earlier.”

“I can handle it. Ky and I both are comfortable on horseback.”

“Good to know. Let’s hit the trail then. It’ll take two to three hours depending on how fast we go. We’ll break about halfway through at the lake at the back of the Ranch to let the horses drink and to stretch our legs a bit.”

With that, they were off. Brock stayed close enough to be safe, but far enough that he couldn’t hear the details of the girls’ chatter. And chatter they did. The entire three hours and seventeen minutes they barely took a breath. Brock loved that Kyra had found a friend. She needed friends. Her schedule was stressful and demanding and being forced to slow down was just what she needed, what they both needed. He didn’t like what Richard had done to her, but he wasn’t sad that the prick wasn’t there spoiling their fun. He could be a really wet mop and probably wouldn’t have even wanted to leave the room.

Kyra didn’t need to be holed up in a hotel room—she needed to be out here in the sun doing what she loved and being Little and free. A smile had been plastered on her face since she hopped out of that cart, and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep her smiling.

Apparently everything in his power meant dealing with two overly hungry and overtired Littles in their suite. After their ride, Kyra had decided she and Sadie were going to eat lunch together, but when Sadie mentioned eating in the cafeteria Kyra’s face went white. He knew she wasn’t ready to be around all of the other Littles yet, so he’d shuffled them back to the suite and ordered room service. Thankfully, it came quickly, because if he’d had to listen to them complain for one more minute he would have… done nothing. Not a damn thing except maybe buy some noise-canceling headphones. What could he really do? He had no authority in the situation. He still couldn’t believe he’d threatened Kyra earlier, but she had pushed him to it.

“Oh no!” Kyra yelled about halfway through her gourmet mac and cheese.

“What?” Sadie yelled, but Brock was already making his way to her.

He never stopped to ask questions in situations like this.

“I forgot about my hair appointment! I was supposed to be there at one o’clock.”

Brock let out the breath he’d been holding and looked at his watch. “Well, it’s coming up on two so you might want to call.”

“I can’t believe I stood her up.”

“Jackie is really cool, she’ll understand,” Sadie told her. “She knows us Littles lose track of time a lot. What are you doing to your hair?”
