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He got to Derek’s office and was getting ready to knock when the telltale signs of a paddling filled his ears. Brock took a step back in surprise before he remembered where they were. He could hear murmurs of voices and whimpers of pain, but the loudest part was implement meeting flesh. Brock closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to force away the images that were invading his wayward mind, but no matter what he did, he could not stop replacing Derek with himself and the naughty paddlee with Kyra. And that thought sent shots directly to his cock.

“Fuck,” he muttered to himself as he adjusted his pants and moved further away from the door so he couldn’t hear anymore. He shouldn’t have been listening in the first place. He fell into a nearby chair and waited for Derek to finish up his… meeting.

After about fifteen minutes, the door opened, and a woman emerged. Her eyes were red rimmed, and she walked a little gingerly. Derek came out right behind her.

“Be a good girl, now, Eloise. I don’t want to see you back in this office again this week, do you hear me?”

“Yes, sir.” She nodded before scurrying away.

Derek shook his head solemnly as he watched her go. “That little one needs more than I can give her,” he said as he turned to Brock. The look on the man’s face was almost sad, like he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. Brock could not imagine the responsibility that fell on him with running a place like this.

“I’m sure you’re doing all you can,” he tried to reassure him.

“Sometimes that’s just not enough for me,” Derek confided, and Brock instantly felt a surge of empathy.

It was exactly how he felt about Ky.

“Anyways, did you come to see me or were you just enjoying the comfortable furniture?” Derek joked.

“I came to talk to you, but I really don’t know where to start.”

“How about we go see how the girls are doing? I for one could use a hug from my angel.”

“Do you think that would be all right? I promised Kyra I would let her have her fun today without interfering.”

“You can blame it on me. C’mon, they should be eating lunch right about now.”

Brock didn’t need to be told twice. He got to his feet and fell in step next to Derek.

“There’s a cafeteria right inside the mouth of the wing; that way guests can take their Littles without having to go all the way down the hall.”

“The layout of this place is very well thought out.”

“It’s my life’s work.” Derek smiled as they entered the hallway before turning left to a set of double doors.

The noise level of the cafeteria was almost overwhelming, yet it took him back to a simpler time in life, and he found himself smiling as he scanned the room, easily spotting his little blue-haired beauty. She must have sensed something because she turned her head and spotted him right away. He held his breath for her reaction and when she smiled brightly, his soul filled with joy.

“Rock!” she screeched as she jumped up and ran to him.

“Whoa whoa, little one. Slow down.” He laughed as he caught her in a hug.

“I missed you.”

She was obviously deeply immersed in her Little space, and he loved how happy she looked.

“I missed you too. Are you having fun?”

“Oh. Em. Gee! It’s so much fun. We went to class and then we went and played on the playground and—”

“You went out to the playground?” His gut twisted at the thought of her outside unsupervised.

“No, silly, I promised I wouldn’t go outside, and I didn’t. There’s an indoor one right by the gym downstairs. There are slides and the most epic ball pit and an arcade! We have to go back there so I can kick your butt at all the games.”

Brock chuckled. “We can do whatever you want, Ky. Well, within safety parameters.”

“Good, now come meet my friends. They’re the best.”

After being dragged to the other side of the room and introduced to numerous “friends” that Brock wouldn’t remember if his life depended on it, he got her to settle down and finish her lunch.
