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Chapter 10

A gentle snoring woke Kyra up and she turned to look at Brock, who was fast asleep next to her. They’d had dinner in the room, watched some shows, then when it was time for bed, she’d simply climbed in with him again. He didn’t even try to argue, which made her happy because she really wanted, maybe even needed, to snuggle up with him, but also, she had to admit she really did love to get her way with things like this. She didn’t think she would hate some real accountability in other areas, like her new friends seemed to have. She wondered what it would be like to have rules and consequences. Real consequences where she learned something, not the emotionally abusive kind she’d received from Richard. The more time she spent on the Ranch away from him, the more she realized just how terribly he had treated her. It felt good to see things so clearly.

She stretched, then decided to get up and hop in the shower. The warm water felt good and she let herself soak for a while before washing her hair. She loved how quick and easy it was now that the length was gone. She dried off, styled her hair with some fresh-smelling pomade the way Jackie had shown her, put on her candy-scented perfume, then dressed in some denim shorts, a white tank top, and a pink and white plaid shirt that she tied at the waist. She checked herself out in the mirror, deciding she liked this outfit that could be for a Big or a Little. She slipped into her white cowboy boots and went to see if Brock was up yet.

He was. She could hear him in the shower, singing one of her songs again. He had a nice voice, a deep baritone. Maybe he could be her backup singer? The idea made her giggle, until she was interrupted by her growling tummy. Maybe she could go downstairs and at least grab a snack while he was showering? He probably wouldn’t like it, which seemed like all the more reason to do it.

With a self-satisfied smile, she let herself out of the room and went down to the lobby thinking she’d grab a banana or a muffin from the cafe. But when she stepped out of the elevator she heard someone arguing with Erika at the front desk. And that someone was Richard.

She recognized his voice before she even saw him. He was leaning over the front desk, a scowl on his face as he yelled at Erika, who stood her ground even with him being so irate. Kyra moved closer to peek from behind a wooden column. She hated that she felt a little intimidated by him, but even more, she hated being around him when he was irritated by something, which was all-too often.

“What do you mean you can’t tell me what room she’s in?” Richard demanded. “Do you know who I am, young lady? I’m her manager! And she’s also my Little. Did she happen to mention that?”

“No, she didn’t. I’m afraid I’m going to have to check with the owner of the Ranch. Wait one moment, please,” Erika said, cool as a cucumber, but from where Kyra was she could see her cheeks were a bit brighter than usual as she spoke quietly into the phone.

Erika hung up. “He’ll be right here. Excuse me a moment.” She turned around and went to the back room behind the check-in desk. She came back out a minute later when both Derek and another man approached from the other side of the lobby.

“What can I do for you?” Derek asked.

She couldn’t help but notice his usual welcoming tone was gone. What did he know about Richard?

“I’m Kyra Kick’s manager, here for her show, and this little twit says I have no reservation here! I don’t know who you are or what the hell you people are trying to pull, but I won’t have it. Someone take me to Kyra, or I will cancel this whole fucking thing and I will make sure everyone in the industry knows what a fucking shit-show this place is.”

“I’m Derek, and I own Rawhide Ranch. And this is Moses, my right hand. You must be Richard Mahoney. If you could refrain from calling my staff names and yelling vulgarities in my establishment, I would appreciate it.”

Derek didn’t give him the satisfaction of getting upset, and she knew that would piss Richard off even more. He liked to get a reaction from people and Derek gave him nothing.

“Damn right I’m Richard Mahoney and I’ll talk any way I damn well please.” He turned to Moses. “Tell your boss to cut this shit and give me her room number and the key.”

“Moses is deaf, and even though he can read your lips, he doesn’t work for you,” Derek said. “And I’m afraid I’m unable to do that, Mr. Mahoney.”

She saw Moses signing to Derek, and Derek signing something back.

“Jesus Christ!” Richard exploded. “You call her right now. She’ll tell you that I belong here. It’s not like the little bitch can perform without me. I won’t have it.”

Ooh, that made Kyra’s blood boil. Couldn’t do a show without him, could she?

She marched right over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Richard whipped his head around.

“Damn it, girl! You tell these people who I am!”

“Richard, what do you mean I can’t perform without you? Which one of us sings and plays the guitar? I don’t think it’s you. And by the way, you seem to be the only little bitch around here.”

“What the hell, Kyra?”

The face she’d once thought of as handsome now only looked menacing, but she didn’t want to back down. She had a lot to say and now was the time to say it.

“Yeah, what the hell, Richard? Did you really not know that you pocket-dialed me and I heard the conversation you had with that woman, or did you just not care? Because I heard it all. Every horrible, cruel word you said about me. All the things you offered to do for her. And I’m done with you, Richard. Done as my manager. Done with this relationship, or whatever game it was you were playing with me.”

“You think that’s all so easy?” he demanded. “I have a contract and the lawyers are mine.” He grabbed her by the arm. “Now get your ass upstairs and we’ll hash this out, but this little performance of yours stops now. And what the fuck did you do to your head?”

He tightened his grip until it hurt, and just when she was about to whimper Derek and the other man stepped up, surrounding Richard.

Derek said in a low voice, “Get your hands off her. Now.”

“Stay out of this,” Richard growled.

“Sorry, I can’t do that, either.”
