Page 31 of Always Hiding

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“Yes!” We clambered into the truck together and slammed the doors, breathing heavily as the rain continued outside, bouncing off of the top of the truck with a loudrat-a-tat-tat!

We were both completely soaked, and my hair hung around my face in wet strings. Rio was no better off, his normally neat black hair had deflated and it hung in his eyes, dripping onto his nose and cheeks.

We stared at each other, taking in our drenched-rat appearances for a long minute before a giggle bubbled out of my chest. The giggle was followed by full keel belly laughter, and Rio’s deep rumbling laugh followed. We sat in the truck laughing until our sides hurt.

“I am, as Marcus would say, completely shite at planning dates.” Rio combed his hair back out of his eyes, and it changed his general demeanor from sopping wet puppy to sexy movie star. One tendril of hair was even still hanging over his forehead, making him look rakish. It was ridiculous how hot the man sitting in front of me was. Chilly skin be damned, we were going to finish what we’d started in the bed of the truck.

“Not at all.” I made sure that he was watching as I hooked my fingers in the wet waistband of my leggings and peeled them down my legs. “I’m cold, warm me up?”

In any other situation, I would have cringed at how cheesy those words felt leaving my mouth, but Rio’s eyes blazed back to life as he watched me expose my skin inch by inch.

“You want to continue, here? In the truck?” Rio sounded like his brain was having trouble catching up.

I crooked an eyebrow at him. “As opposed to having sex in thebackof your truck?”

“...Point taken.” Rio unbuckled his jeans and we continued to undress, glancing at each other every now and then as we got rid of our sopping wet clothes.

“Lay them out on the dash, and I’ll turn the heater on.” Rio said as he turned the truck on and cranked the heater. We laid our clothes out, not quite looking at each other now that we were completely naked, but I still caught a smattering of dark hair on Rio’s chest that made my insides tingle.

“Come here.” Rio’s hands were gentle on my hips as he moved into the center of the bench and helped me climb astride his lap. His cock, which had been hard and trapped in his jeans previously, jutted up between us. In the dim light, I could see creamy moisture beading at the tip.

“Your skin is cold.” Rio commented as he ran his hands over my back and arms, trying to use friction to bring some heat to my icy skin.

“And your skin is warm.” I point out, suddenly feeling like a vixen as I slid myself forward in his lap and pressed my entire body into his warmth. His cock slid in between my folds. Rio sucked in a sharp breath, all of his worries about my cold skin forgotten.

“I have condoms in my pants.” Rio began reaching towards the dash, and I stopped him.

“I’m on the pill, and I’m clean....” I wanted to feel all of him inside of me, and a darker, dirtier, part of me wanted to feel the heat of him inside of me when he came.

Rio cupped my cheek, brushing his fingers along the curve of it. I leaned into the warmth, pressing a kiss to the meaty part of his palm.

“I’m only with Adair, but we’re both clean, if you’re sure...?”

Instead of answering, I lifted myself up on my knees and used my hands to guide the blunt head of his cock to my weeping entrance. The slide down his length was harder than I thought it would be. I had never had a man of his size inside of me before, and it took time to allow myself to stretch and accommodate as I continued to slide down the shaft of his cock until I reached the base. Or, at least, the base of his cock just before where his knot was. It wasn’t particularly swollen yet, but the flesh felt different there, less malleable, more stiff.

I had always been curious about knots. There had been lots of beta girls during university that gushed about their alpha boyfriends knots, and how good it made them feel, but I felt so full right now that I wasn’t sure if his knot could even fit inside of me.

“Everything okay?” In my distracted thoughts about knots, I had forgotten that Rio was still currently inside of me.

“Yeah, sorry, just trying to get used to it.”

Alarm entered Rio’s previously dazed eyes. “Do we need to stop? Does it hurt?” His hands gripped my hips like he was going to lift me off, and I squeezed down on his cock, hard, forcing him to stop with a moan.

“Rio Malik, I will tell you if it’s too much, but right now? Right now it feels good.” Better than good, awesome, amazing, stupendous. I didn’t have any other adjectives to describe it. It was like having an itch that was just out of reach for four years that you’ve been trying to scratch but never quite managing it, until now.

I put my hands on his shoulders and lifted my hips experimentally, letting them drop back down as I thought about the sensations for a moment before doing it again, and bringing my hips down more forcefully the second time.

Rio, seemingly done worrying, captured my mouth in a searing kiss as his hands began to work my hips up and down his length, helping me to create delicious friction at the place where we were joined together. Pleasure filled my body and I could no longer keep my moans quiet, and soon they filled the cab of the truck as we moved together.

Another thing I vaguely noticed as Rio pulled me down fully onto his cock and twisted my hips back and forth, was that all of the windows of the truck had become fogged up. Partly due to the blasting heat from the vents of the car that were licking my bare back, and partly because of the two people stoking their own furnace of hot breathing and warm bodies.

At some point, either Rio or I had slapped the passenger seat window because there were trails of hand and finger marks on the mist-covered window, exposing the rain-soaked outside world.

“Don’t get distracted, gorgeous.” Rio growled. His lips moved from my mouth, and back to my ear. He had, apparently, realized how sensitive my ears were earlier when he whispered in them. Now, his beard brushed past it as he pressed kisses to the delicate shell of my ear, all the while he had a vice grip on my hips as he slid in and out of me roughly.

I could feel my failed orgasm from earlier reemerging, but it was just out of reach, and no matter how much I leaned into the sensation, I couldn’t fall over the edge. That is, at least, until Rio’s teeth grazed my ear.

I came with a shout, my back bowing as I pressed my clenched fists to Rio’s chest. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe as my orgasm rocked through me, and my insides twisted with a violent pleasure that I had never experienced before.
