Page 78 of Always Hiding

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“Let me help you,” Rio said and he slipped into the bed behind me, pulling me so that I leaned back into his chest. His hands slipped around me in a pseudo-hug. “If you need me to step in, just say the word.”

I nodded and Marcus placed our son into my arms.

For a moment, when I looked down at him, I was afraid that I wouldn’t feel anything. After all, I’d missed the bonding time with him that all of the baby books said that I would need. But as soon as I caught sight of his big brown eyes that were just like my own, I felt a swell of love inside of my chest.

“Hi baby,” my voice wobbled as I tried not to show my son a crying face for the first time that we got to look at each other. “I’m your mom.”

“What did you name him?” I asked, tearing my gaze away so that I could look up into Marcus’s green eyes.

“Milo Emerson Zhao.” He replied, and my heart swelled with love. He had looked in my notebook like I’d asked. Truth be told, even though I didn’t want to know the gender before the birth, the name had just stuck with me throughout my pregnancy. I’d even taken to secretly calling the baby Milo while I was pregnant.

“Hello, Milo.” I whispered, filled with awe. “I’m going to love you always and forever.”

While I had lain bleeding in Marcus’s arms as our world exploded into chaos, forever had seemed like an abstract, far away concept. But now, as I literally held forever in my arms, I knew that everything was going to be just fine.
