Page 37 of The One You Want

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“I feel the same way about you.” Gray’s gaze shot to the restaurant entrance. “Unfortunately, I’ll be spending the rest of my day and night with him.”

“My loss,” she admitted, echoing his earlier disappointment.

He gave her a searing look. “You make me want to pretend I’m sick or something to get out of this.”

“He’s counting on you to give him the best bachelor party ever. With strippers,” she added with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes. “You’re the only woman I want to spend the night with.”

Her ears burned with the blush that rose from her breasts all the way up to her hairline.

He caught himself. “I didn’t mean it like that. Well, I do, but...” He shrugged because he’d been honest but knew they needed more time to get to know each other.

“Well. Um. Something to look forward to, then,” she teased, but also meant it.

“Lucky me,” he said, a twinkle in his eyes that didn’t dim the heat still there.

Marc arrived at their table. “You two look cozy.”

Gray released her and sat back, though they were still sitting very close together. She didn’t know if Marc had caught them kissing earlier. She didn’t care.

Gray signed the check Jeanine had dropped off while they were talking. He stood and pulled her chair back for her so they could be on their way. She hated to make a hasty good-bye, but didn’t want to spend a whole lot of time with Marc if she could help it.

Except she had years of running into him and spending time with him ahead.

“Do you need to run upstairs to your room before we head out?” Marc asked Gray.

Gray shook his head. “I’m good to go.”

Marc shifted his focus back to her and moved closer. He leaned in before she knew his intent and kissed her cheek, then his knuckles caressed her from her shoulder down to her elbow out of Gray’s view.

She immediately stepped away and into Gray. He put his hand on the same arm Marc had touched to steady her. It did more than that. His warmth washed away the uneasy feeling Marc gave her with that too-intimate touch and anchored her to Gray.

Marc’s gaze went from Gray’s hand on her to her eyes. He hid whatever he felt, but Gray stiffened behind her. “It was so good to see you. Have fun with Maggie today. I can’t wait to hear all about what you’ve got planned for her bachelorette party.”

“It probably won’t be as wild as your night, but Maggie will love it.”

“I have a feeling you like to get a little wild sometimes,” Marc teased, but she couldn’t help but think he was baiting her, reminding her of their night together.

All it did was make her angry and suspicious, especially after he’d explicitly asked her not to tell Maggie about that night.

She didn’t dare answer, or risk Gray sensing something more going on between her and Marc. She wanted to tell Gray the truth, but Maggie deserved to hear it from her first.

She turned to Gray. “Thank you so much for brunch. I had a wonderful time. I hope we see each other soon.”

“I’ll walk you out to your car.”

Marc waved his hand toward the restaurant entrance. “Yes. Let’s.”

Gray narrowed his gaze on Marc. “You can meet me at my car.” He pulled the keys from his pocket and tossed them to Marc.

“Just trying to be a gentleman for the lady.”

“I’ve got it covered,” Gray assured him, then touched her back to escort her out to the lobby.

Marc walked ahead of them out to the parking area. He briefly glanced at Gray, who nodded in the opposite direction from where she’d parked. Marc went that way in search of Gray’s car.

She led Gray to hers. “You didn’t have to walk me all the way here.”
