Page 52 of The One You Want

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Chapter Twelve

6 days to Maggie’s wedding...

Rose wiped the back of her hand over her sweaty brow, pulled her ball cap back on, and stared over at Gray, who looked almost the same color as his name. He’d called early that morning and asked her to meet him at Del Valle Regional Park. The foothills and lake were pretty, but with little tree cover, the six-mile hike in the sun was hotter than hell in early June.

What were they thinking?

“Are you okay?” She handed him the spare bottle of water she’d stuffed into her backpack.

“I think I might have actually sweated out all the alcohol.”

“I still can’t believe you wanted to go for a hike after you partied so much last night.”

“One, I wanted to see you. Two, unlike Marc, even when occasionally hungover, I get up early. And three, I find a workout kicks the hangover faster than just trying to sleep it off.” Gray downed the entire bottle of water.

“Are you sure he’s okay?”

“I called and checked on him. I got a barely audible answer that he was fine and we’d catch up with each other later.” Gray shrugged. “I’m guessing much later. So thank you for driving all the way back here to meet me.”

“I didn’t mind. At all.” The two-hour drive had been filled with anticipation to see him again.

Gray smiled. “I would have come to you, but Marc’s car is back in Carmel at the hotel, so I’ll be driving him back there later tonight after I pick him up at his place in San Jose. Though I’m thinking it may not be until tomorrow if he’s as bad off as I think.”

“Maybe you should have gone over to be sure he’s okay. Alcohol poisoning is no joke.”

“Like I said, I wanted to see you. I called his dad and told him to go over and check on Marc. He lives closer. And his dad has a key. I don’t. And if Marc is passed out, his dad can get into the condo and make sure he drinks some water and eats so his system can recover.”

“Maggie’s going to be concerned if he doesn’t go back down to Carmel today.”

“I’m sure she’ll understand. You said you guys had a few last night, too.”

“Maggie was drunk, but I’ve seen her worse off.”

“You seem fine today.”

“As party coordinator, I had to maintain some semblance of decorum to be sure everyone had a good time and got home safe.”

Gray chuckled. “I’m sure you were the picture of dignity getting a lap dance from the fireman stripper,” he teased.

“How many strippers ended up in your lap last night?” she shot back.

“Too many,” he grumbled.

She was teasing but it didn’t really matter to her, because he’d called her first thing this morning and said, “I miss you, come see me.”

Gray’s eyes clouded with regret. “That’s the last time I go out with Marc. His idea of a good time and mine are not the same.”

“You didn’t have fun?”

“Not really. Marc racked up a huge bar tab on my dime and drank himself into oblivion. And he’s a dick when he’s drunk. He kept saying stuff about me and you and us getting together.”

She cocked her head, her full attention on him. “What did he say?”

Gray shrugged like it didn’t matter, but the angry look in his eyes said it did. “At first it was nothing really. He told all the guys that I fell hard for Maggie’s BFF.”

“Oh, really?”

He eyed her. “Definitely.” But the spark of amusement and heat in his eyes quickly dimmed. “He gave them a description of you. How gorgeous you are and stuff.”
