Page 55 of The One You Want

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She was leaning back in her seat, relaxing, enjoying the company and the quiet, when Gray tapped his foot against the side of hers.

“I knew hanging out with you this morning would make my day.”

She smiled, because it didn’t matter what they did, she just enjoyed his company. “I knew you’d say half a dozen sweet things to me to make my day.”

“You’re easy to please. A hike. Cheap food.”

“Good food. Great company.”

Gray leaned in. “I wish you didn’t have to go back right away.”

“Do you think Marc will be ready to go back tonight?”

“Unfortunately, I’m thinking tomorrow.” Gray’s phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and held it up. “Speak of the devil.” He tapped the screen a couple of times and set the phone on the table. “Hey, man, you’re on speaker with me and Rose.”

“Hey, gorgeous, sorry to interrupt and you don’t want to hear this, but... What the fuck, Gray! You sent my dad to my house!” Marc bellowed.

Gray went still, staring at the phone, then his confused gaze met hers. “You drank half the top shelf of the bar last night.You were in bad shape when you stumbled into your Uber.” Concern filled Gray’s voice. “I’m surprised you made it into your house, let alone your bed. So yeah, I asked your dad to check on you in case you needed anything.”

“You really know how to fuck things up for me.”

The line went dead.

Gray sat back and rubbed both hands over his face, then let them drop to his thighs. “Sorry.”

She shrugged it off. “No worries. I just don’t get why he’s so angry. His dad had to know what he was walking into after last night.”

“My uncle seemed fine about us going out, he even teased me about being hungover. He said that’s what a bachelor party was all about. He was concerned about Marc, but not upset.”

“I guess you’ll find out what really happened when his dad showed up when you drive Marc back.”

Gray rolled his eyes. “That’s going to be a fun drive down the coast.”

“I hate to say this, but I’ve got to get on the road if I’m going to make it home to clean up and change clothes before I head over to Maggie’s for dinner with her aunt.”

“Is she going to be upset if we don’t make it back to town until tomorrow?”

“Probably. Marc said some things to her about me that upset her. She didn’t like that he sent the pictures of you to her last night just to try to rile me.”

“I didn’t like it, either. What did Marc say to her about you?”

“Nothing really, and it’s not about that. It’s a stressful situation with everything going on leading up to the wedding. Tension is running high. She wants everything to be perfect. Which is why I can’t be late. I don’t want to add any more stress.”

“Are you going to tell her about that call?”

“No. If Marc wants to tell her why he’s mad about his dad checking on him, I’ll let him tell her. That’s between them.” She sighed, feeling her mounting worry amp her anxiety. “Do you remember I told you last night I wanted to tell you something?”

He settled his hand over hers. “Yeah. What is it?”

Part of her wished she could keep the secret and that no one would ever find out. But with Marc stirring things up, despite him begging her not to say anything, she felt like she needed to tell Maggie and Gray before it came out in a way that hurt them. She hoped being honest, and them both knowing how much she cared about them, would ease any ill feelings they might have about something that happened before Rose met Gray and Maggie met Marc.

“It’s something I need to tell Maggie first, because it has to do with Marc.”

Gray cocked his head. “Did he say or do something to you?”

“No. I... It’s not a big deal. At least, it shouldn’t be, but I want her to hear it from me first, then I’ll tell you. Is that okay?”

“If that’s how you want it, sure. I guess I’ll have to wait.”
