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I grabbed her ankles and pulled her toward me, the blankets coming too and scrunching underneath her. Her eyes sparkled up at me, her breathing becoming labored as she quickly realized what I wanted.

“Tell me…who you…belong to,” I said slowly and deeply, enunciating every word.

She licked her lips. “You.”

I leaned forward, bracing my hands on her sides and placing my knee on the bed between her legs. I pushed my knee against her hot heat and just like my perfect girl she ground against it, a sharp breath of air escaping her mouth.

“Tell me,” I demanded, moving my lips closer to hers. So close, I could lick her perfect bow-shaped mouth.

She didn’t hesitate. “I belong to you, Kit. I’m yours.”

“Again!” I demanded through gritted teeth as I pressed my knee harder against her, forcing her mouth to fall open.

“Yours, Kit. I’m yours,” she whispered, her eyes watching me, never breaking contact with mine.

“I want you to keep repeating that as I fuck you senseless. You are never going to forget who owns this body, who makes you feel like you’re going to explode with one single touch. Who gives you so much pleasure that the world could be ending around you and you wouldn’t care because your body will already be floating off the ground in ecstasy.”

Her sex ground against my leg as she fought to find some friction to bring her some kind of relief.

Then she moaned the words I loved to hear. “Show me.”

I wasn’t sure what had brought on this intense need for Kit to exert his ownership, but a girl would be stupid to complain. The air in the room buzzed with sexual tension, threatening to burst at any moment and I was ready for it. I needed it, and judging by the look on his face and the tone in his voice, he wanted it too. He needed to know that I was his and even though I’d fought it to begin with, my body and my heart knew exactly where I belonged.

Kit was dominant and he was powerful. While I loved it when he showed me the sweet, kind, and caring part of himself, I also craved the hard, rough biker that had thrown me up against the wall the first night we had met. He stepped back, unbuckling his belt. I quickly sat up and scooted to the end of the bed, slipping off and resting on my knees before him like a dog waiting for a treat.

He smirked. “Good girl.”

I wanted to please him, make him happy. Not just sexually but in all aspects. I knew this might have something to do with the fact that I needed to head back to Athens soon for school. He thought that he needed to remind me where my heart lies, but he was wrong. Kit had inserted himself into my life in the most unconventional way. It had caused me to reevaluate my thinking. I’d soon realized that yes I was happy with my life, but I was just coasting, moving through the motions. Now, with him in my life, I was finally living. I basked in that feeling and now I had it, I wasn’t willing to let it go.

Kit tapped my chin with his cock and my mouth instantly watered. “Open up, baby.”

I did just that and he didn’t hesitate, pushing his length inside my mouth with a loud groan. I wrapped my lips around it, sucking hard. Gripping it with one hand, the other clutching at the waistband of my jeans, my mind telling me I needed them off and fast.

“You wet, Harmony?” he asked gruffly as I bobbed up and down. I pulled him from my mouth with an audible pop and looked up at his cocky smirking face.

“I’m not sure,” I mused. “Mind if I have a feel and check?”

He chuckled lightly. “Feel away.”

I snapped open the button on my jeans as I took him back in my mouth, pulling down the zipper and reaching inside the tight material. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do with my jeans stretched tightly in my kneeling position, but I need something, anything.

The tips of my fingers found my clit, already soaked and waiting. I flicked it a couple of times, moaning just as Kit’s head hit the back of my throat. His fingers threaded through my hair and he held me in that position, his head thrown back in utter bliss. I started to gag and he pulled back quickly, pulling himself from my grip and stepping away.

I continued to rub my clit as he stripped off his cut and placed it on the hook behind the door. Gripping the back of his shirt at his neck, he swiftly removed it. I admired his body as I played, eyeing his smattering of ink and gorgeously toned abdomen. My hips had a mind of their own, moving back and forth against my fingers.

“Need some help?” he asked, dropping his jeans and leaving him completely naked for my eyes to enjoy.

I shook my head and smirked. “No, I’m fine,” I answered breathlessly. “Stay right there.” I attacked my pussy feverishly, managing to slip my fingers further down into my pants so I could thrust them up into my wet hole. My other hand now free grasped my breast, kneading it and pulling at my nipple which was hardened through my lace bra.

My eyes fought to shut, but I forced them open, needing to see my man for inspiration and to enjoy the look on his face as I came to pieces on my knees at his feet. He smiled and folded his thick arms across his chest, his biceps protruding deliciously as he clenched his fists, no doubt fighting the urge to come to me.

“Oh God,” I moaned as my legs began to shake with my impending release just moments away. “Kit, oh shit, Kit.”

“Yeah, that’s it, baby girl. Imagine it’s me. Think about what’s to come when I finally get you on that bed and my cock in that pussy.” His words sent me over the edge. My eyelids won their fight and closed just as a wave of what I can only describe as pure pleasure crashed over my body. I shook all over, my hand now stilled and pressed tightly into my pants while my legs ached.

“My turn,” was all he said as he flew toward me, lifting me under the arms and dropping me onto the bed. My hands now free he rid me of my clothing, first my shirt, following immediately by my jeans which I’m almost sure I heard tear as they were ripped away from my body. I didn’t care though, just laughing as I laid on the bed in a beautiful afterglow.

My legs were thrown apart and I felt his bristles against my thighs. “Kit…” I warned, knowing that if he touched me there right now I might explode into oblivion. When his tongue swiped through me I was done for, screaming out his name as the feeling shot one thousand bolts of electricity through my body. I spasmed and jerked around, but his hands held firm onto my hips, keeping me grounded as he cleaned the cum from my lips.
