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Argh, that noise.


Stop it, God damn. Somebody turn it off!


My eyes were heavy and my mouth felt like it was filled with cotton balls. I stuck my tongue out, trying to get rid of the foul taste on my tongue.

I gagged.

Why wouldn’t it go away? I needed a drink. Suddenly craving water.

“Chelsea?” The voice sounded familiar. They were important. My mind was alert. I wanted to open my eyes, I wanted to see them. “Chelsea it’s okay. I’m going to call the doctor.”

Harmony, it was Harmony.

I tried to say her name, but my mouth wouldn’t form the sound.

I fought against the weight that hung on my eyelids, keeping them closed.

Light slowly shone in and I blinked furiously, trying to adjust to the glare. Everything was so white but it was all blurry, I could only make out shapes.

“Ha…” I tried for Harmony’s name again, but it just wouldn’t come.

Why couldn’t I say it?What was wrong with my mouth?

I felt a soft hand on my forehead and I could make out a face above me. “Shh. It’s okay, the doctor’s coming.”

Doc was here? Why was Doc here? Did I get hurt?

The blur began to clear and I could finally make out Harmony’s features as she stood above me. Mascara streaked her cheeks from fresh tears. I wanted to ask why she was crying, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t.

A man appeared next to Harmony, he was wearing a white coat and had a stethoscope hanging loosely around his neck.

That wasn’t Doc.

“Hi Chelsea, welcome back.” He smiled down at me.

Where had I been?

“Don’t worry, don’t try to talk. I’m just going to check a few things. I want you to follow the light with your eyes.” He held a small light up. I cringed away from it at first but slowly was able to watch it as he moved it back and forth. “That’s great, really great.”

I turned my head, Harmony stood just behind him, her face lit up as she held a phone to her ear.

“I…” I attempted again to speak, but it was just noise. I could hear it and it didn’t make sense. “Ha…”

The doctor cleared his throat and drew my attention back to him. “Just give it time, I know it’s hard right now, but it should come back to you eventually.”

“What do you mean?” Harmony asked, pushing in beside me and placing her hand back on my head. It felt good.

“Her brain has been severely affected. It seems she’s struggling a little with her speech which could mean there’s some damage there,” he explained, making notes on his clipboard. “I’m going to do a few more tests if that’s okay? I just want you to nod or shake your head when I ask you a question.”

I nodded and he smiled.

He went through the motions, testing the feeling in my arms, legs and feet. I struggled to move some things, but he said the little movement I had was promising. He asked me about people’s names and whether I remembered how I had got there.
