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I didn’t. As much as I racked my brain I just couldn’t remember.

After a few minutes, he told me he’d come back later and see if things had improved.

Harmony pulled a chair up next to my bed and took my hand in hers, I squeezed it and she smiled. “Op will be here soon. He had to be at church this morning. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left.”


Yes, Optimus. I needed him.

I sniffled, feeling tears well in my eyes.

“We were so worried, Chel.” Her expression reflected that of my own. “They said you might not come out, that you’d been deprived of oxygen for too long.”

I didn’t know what had happened, but apparently I was lucky to be alive.

“Ha-happ-ened.” It took me a moment, but I finally managed to force the word out. It was hard and both my body and mind were becoming quickly exhausted.

She looked at me with sad eyes. “Rose. She was one of them. She took you to her dad, Marco DePalma. He hurt you.”

I shook my head. No. Rose was my friend. I remember taking her to the hospital because her dad had hurt her.

Blizzard was there. I could see them standing outside.

“I’m sorry, honey. I know you tried to help her, but she was behind it all. Your car, the gym.”

It hurt to breathe, but the pain was nothing compared to the stabbing in my heart. She had been my friend.

“Shh,” Harmony soothed, sensing my distress. “It doesn’t matter right now.”

The door to the room flew open and I jumped. A sharp pain shot through my torso and I cried out, squeezing my eyes shut tightly and trying to breathe.

I felt his hands on my face, one on each side. He tickled my nose as he touched it with his and the smell of leather hit my senses.

This was something I remembered.

I remembered him, his touch, his smell, his aura. It all filled my body, making me feel warm.

“Thought I’d fucking lost you.” The pain in his voice sent shivers through me, and I pushed my head up. My stomach ached, but I needed him, I needed to make the both of us feel relief.

I touched my lips to his. They were soft against mine which were course and chapped. He used his hands to support my head as we kissed. It was light, almost just a brush, but it was everything, everything we both needed right then and there.

I wasn’t sure what had happened to put me here, but I knew that Optimus had been through hell because of it and I hated that. I wanted to reassure him and right now, without my speech, this was the only way I was able to do that.

I could feel the tension leave his body. He pulled back. “Thought I had lost you,” he whispered again, agony and emotion thick in his words. He lowered me back on the pillow.

I opened my eyes again. I didn’t have to see him to make me feel better, just feeling him there was enough. But I was greedy. When my eyes finally focused, I realized he was just how I remembered. A gentle smile on his face. He used his thumbs to brush away the wetness on my cheeks. We stared at each other even as Harmony explained what the doctor had just told us. His face looked pained as she explained about my speech and limited movement.

“I…I…m ok...ay.”

He softened. “Yeah, Blackbird. You are.”

The doctor came in a few hours later, his eyes a little wider this time as he took in the room filled with Brothers by Blood members. He carried out the tests again, all as Optimus stood at my side and held my hand. He also checked the wound in my side where a chest tube had been placed to repair my lung.

“Things are looking better. You’re going to have to put in some work to get your movement and speech back to where it was, and your memory will probably be hazy for a while, but I can see you have a large amount of support behind you.” He looked around the room and smiled. “So I have complete faith.”

Optimus shook his hand as he left the room and I felt a collective sigh of relief from everyone. I had a long road ahead, but I was going to make it.

I smiled up at Optimus. “Lo-love y-you.”
