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I walked up to the gates of the compound. Whether they’d let me see her was a bit of a hit and miss, but I had to try.

The two prospects stepped forward as though they were cutting me off. One was on his cell phone, talking quietly as he eyed me approaching.

“Hi...I was wondering...if I could to Chelsea?” My feet scuffed the pavement. I had betrayed these people and put all their lives in danger.

They were well within their rights to tell me to fuck off and I fully expected it. But I owed them an apology and I was determined to give that, no matter what they did to me.

I wasn’t even sure I knew what to say to these people.

I’m sorry my father murdered your parents and framed the club?I’m sorry I tried to lure you to your demise?

Anyway, I put it, it was useless. They’d hate me and I didn’t blame them one bit.

The gates creaked open moments later and my heart skipped a beat as he stepped out.


His eyes were filled with hate, but even then I couldn’t help but admire the man that he was. Tall, light hair, his chin and jaw square and covered with a light shade of stubble.

“Didn’t do enough damage already? Back for more?” he spat, his words completely full of disgust.

I cringed and took a deep breath. I just needed to get the words out. Just say my piece and then I could walk away.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered, hanging my head. My hand was in a cast, I rubbed at it unconsciously. It was a reminder of the mistakes I had made. “I...I just came to apologize.”

“Because that makes it all okay, right?” he growled. “Chelsea only just got out of the fucking hospital. We almost lost her. She can’t even walk or talk right. It could take months for her to get back to where she was.”

I felt ill. No one had been able to tell me how she was, and my cousins, Gio, and Rico, wouldn’t let me go up to the hospital to see her. I swallowed back the tears. If she couldn’t walk or run then how can that affect her career? I’d done more than just hurt her. I could have possibly fucked up her entire life.

The wind whipped around me and I shivered.

“I shouldn’t have come,” I whispered, turning away.

Blizzard laughed, but it wasn’t in amusement. No. It was dark and condescending. “You play the victim well. We all believed it. Chelsea was ready to throw down for you … so was I. But it was all fucking bullshit.”

I spun to face him, the anger inside me flaring. “I was a victim! Don’t stand there and think because of all this that you know what I’ve been through, the shit I’ve fought through. You have your family, Blizzard! You have a clubhouse full of brothers and people who’d stand beside you in the blink of an eye. I had no one—”

“You had me,” he yelled, stepping forward and pounding on his chest with his fist. “I was there, Chelsea was fucking there. We had your back, and you still turned around and fucking played us.”

“I had no choice,” I cried, my body ached and I wanted to crumble to the ground and cry.

“We all have a choice,” he said sternly, his voice now cold and void of any emotion. “You made yours.” He spat on the ground. It was like just being in my presence left a disgusting taste in his mouth.

I cried. I stood in front of him and bawled my Goddamn eyes out, and all he did was stare me down. Like it didn’t affect him in the least.

He was so cold.

Gone was the man who’d pushed his way into my life, making me dream of something better. Gone was the playful sparkle that I’d once seen in his eyes when he’d told me he wouldn’t give up until I was his.

I had made him this way.

And fuck if it didn’t hurt.

It hurt, more than I ever could have imagined.

I watched him as a car pulled up to the curb behind me. I knew it was my cousins, Gio and Rico, Uncle Anthony’s sons.

I was heading back to the East Coast with them.
