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“Have I ever asked you to make me anything? Have I ever asked for more than what you give me?”

He frowned at me. “You aren’t like the other club girls, I know that.”

“Exactly,” I said, my legs shaking and tears sliding down my cheeks. “I’ve never asked you for anything, Optimus. I’ve never asked you to give a shit about me. I’ve never asked you to show me a side of you that I know your brothers don’t see, and I’ve never asked you to spend every night holding me and telling me how beautiful I am, even though you could have just fucked me and left. Yet, you still can’t admit that you have actual feelings for me because falling in love with a whore is just so God damn beneath you.”

He reached out to me, wrapping his large hand around my slim wrist and pulling me close. The fire in me calmed as soon as I felt his body against mine. My thick hoodie and denim jeans did nothing to protect me from the warmth I always felt when his body was against mine. With one hand holding me close, the other gripped my jaw—almost too tightly—and lifted my face up so I had no choice but to look into his eyes.

“You mean more to me than any fucking woman I’ve ever met,” he whispered softly. I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off. “No. You’ve had your say, now you’re going to shut that pretty little mouth and listen.” His hand moved from my wrist to my hip and his finger kneaded at the muscles there. “Yes, I am the president of this MC, which means people would do crazy things in order to hurt me. That’s the reason Sugar and Harlyn live so far away, and that’s the reason why it’s better for us to be this way. But that does not mean that I don’t care about you or think of you as some lowly whore. Because Blackbird, you’re so much more than that.” His tone was soft and his words hit me hard.

It was at that point that I knew, even with all the shit I’d been through in my life, Optimus was going to be the one to break me.

The office door swung open and I quickly turned away, brushing at the wetness on my cheeks and trying to hide my face.

“Dad! This place is awesome! Did you know you had a playground? Do you play on the playground? You should come play on it with me.” The little voice talked so fast I wondered where she found the time to breathe.

I didn’t even have to look at Optimus to know that he had the most stunning smile on his face. It’s like his mood could change the whole feel of a room, that’s just how powerful his energy was.

“Maybe soon, Harlyn. Daddy’s just talking to Chelsea.”

After a few minutes of silence, I felt a tug on my shirt and turned to find the most beautiful little girl standing at my side. Auburn colored hair framed her heart-shaped face that shone brightly up at me like I was her favorite cartoon character. “Are you, Chelsea?”

I couldn’t help but smile as Harlyn’s baby blues glittered. I shot a questioning glance at Optimus. A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as he nodded, giving me permission to speak with his daughter.

I dropped myself to the floor on my knees and sat back, placing my hands on my lap. “I am. What’s your name?”

A grinned flashed across her face, her smile stunning even with a tooth missing. “My name is Harlyn! That’s my dad, did you know that?” She pointed over her shoulder, but her eyes stayed fixed on me.

I gasped and covered my mouth. “No, I didn’t! That’s kind of cool.”

She nodded enthusiastically and moved a little closer to me and whispered, “He’s the president.”

“What does that mean?” I whispered back.

“It means he gets to boss people around and they have to do what he says.” She rolled her eyes and I held in a laugh. “But not me. Because I’m his daughter. Mommy says I have him wrapped around my little finger, but he’s quite big.”

“He is, isn’t he,” I agreed.

“Will you come and play with us on the playground?”

I smiled at the young girl. “I wish I could, but I’m just saying goodbye. I’m going away to visit a friend for a few days. Maybe we can play when I get back?” I avoided looking up at Op, knowing I would get my escape now.

Harlyn held up her hand. It was in a fist all except for her pinkie finger. “Do you pinkie promise?” I tilted my head at the little girl curiously. “Daddy says you can’t break a pinkie promise. When he visits me he always pinkie promises me that he will come back and he always does.” Harlyn turned her head and grinned up at her dad. She looked at him like he was her hero—I couldn’t blame her, at one point I’d felt the same way.

“I pinkie promise,” I murmured, hooking my little finger around hers.

We smiled at each other for a minute before she jumped up and launched herself into her father’s arms. He caught her with complete ease. “To the playground!”

I pushed myself off the floor as they walked to the door.

“Three days. That’s all you get.” Our eyes met and I could see the warning that was laced in his stare. “You pinkie promised.”

With that, he was gone. His deep voice and the echo of a five-year-old’s giggles moving down the hallway until I could no longer hear them.

So I ran.
