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“All right, where are we at?” I asked as I banged my wooden gavel against the church table.

All my brothers were present bar the prospects who weren’t allowed to join church until they earned their full patch.

Wrench slid me a folder across the table as he began to talk. “Anthony DePalma, fifty-eight years old, took over the family business when his father passed away about ten years ago. Two brothers, one older, one younger—”

“Wait,” Kev interrupted. Kev used to be a police officer, he knew the ins and outs of organized crime. He joined the force young, thinking that it would be a tight unit that he could rely on and trust, but opted to leave due to the amount of corruption he saw. He found what he needed with us, and while it had taken a little longer for him to be accepted into the ranks, we didn’t judge him on his past. He’d done more than enough to prove to us over the last eight or so years that he was loyal to a fault. “The mafia is like the royal family, the crown is always passed onto the oldest child. How did he end up with it?”

Wrench shrugged, flipping through a couple pages and scanning the paper. “Marco, the older brother is still involved in the family business.”

“Weird,” Kev mumbled with a frown.

“You think this is important?” I asked, leaning back in my chair.

He scratched his face with his hand, taking a moment to think about it. “I’ve dealt with the Italians before, not the DePalma’s, but there isn’t a shortage of Sicilian crime families out there. The firstborn male is always the one to get the throne when the father dies. If there isn’t a male in the family at that time, it’s passed on to the next oldest brother, or nephew.”

“You ever hear of this before?” I questioned.

“Yeah, the older brother was disgraced from the family. He was an alcoholic and drug addict. He couldn’t be trusted to run the family business, so he was cast out. There’s no coming back after that. I’m curious as to why this brother isn’t in charge but is still kept inside the family.”

I nodded, I was also very curious about this. Maybe the DePalma’s had a weakness within their ranks that we could use.

“Wrench, when we’re done take Kev with you to do some more research. I want to know if there’s something we can use.”

The boys both nodded and Wrench continued to explain what he had, giving us a short lesson in Italian Mafia history while he was at it.

“He said we had hurt his family, but they were the ones to send Target in the first place. There’s got to be more to this?”

“Quite possibly, but I’m fighting to see what.” My brain was turning so fast, trying to figure out all these stupid riddles. “We emptied his room. Was there anything there?”

Blizzard shook his head. “We didn’t find anything overly suspect. But we didn’t exactly go through it with a fine-tooth comb.”

“Do it.”

He nodded.

“I want extra security on the gates, three guards at all times, one full member always.” I saw a few of my men screw up their faces, but they didn’t argue. Usually protecting the gate was a prospect job, because let’s face it, it wasn’t that hard. But I didn’t trust a prospect to let someone in that they didn’t know just because they knew the right things to say.

“Any other matters to discuss?” I eyed my men. This church had been called especially so we would leave normal business discussions for our regular church time.

Camo raised his hand. Camo had joined the club fresh out of the army. He was honorably discharged due to shrapnel in so many parts of his body, he’d lost count after his crew had been hit by a roadside bomb. Like most army men, he craved the brotherhood that the club offered. He was never found in anything other than army issue pants and could blend into any area or situation.

I gave him a quick nod.

“The club girls are dropping like fucking flies. Any chance we are gonna get some more round here?”

I rolled my eyes but saw a few other members nod in agreement.

“When things calm down a little, we’ll open Friday nights to girls from town and hangers. There might be some interest.”

“What about that hot piece of ass Chelsea hangs out with from college?” He grinned.

“Leave Rose alone you fucking horn dog,” Blizzard growled from his seat beside me, glaring at Camo down the table.

Camo held up his hands at Blizzard’s outburst and I couldn’t help but smirk.


My brothers all filed out, but Blizzard stayed still glaring at the other man even as the doors closed.
