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“You got a thing for her?” I asked.

“She’s not club whore material,” he said, avoiding my gaze.

I laughed. “That’s not what I asked.”

He turned in his seat and glared at me. “I dunno. She doesn’t want anything to do with me or the club anyway. She’s made that quite clear.”

“And when did she make that quite clear?” I asked, rather amused by the turn of events.

“When I tried to invite myself into her apartment the other night, and she told me no,” he mumbled.

I chuckled. Blizzard was a ladies man. A huge ladies man. He was laid back, funny and charming. The fact that he’d been turned down would be a massive shock to his system. But I knew he wouldn’t leave it there. Like every red-blooded male, we all wanted what we couldn’t have.

“Maybe she’s just playing hard to get. Like you said, the girl isn’t club whore material.”

He screwed up his face at the word‘whore.’“Nah, it was more than that. When I pulled her out of that club, you should have seen the way she looked at my bike and my cut. It wasn’t quite fear, but there was something there that turned her off.”

“There’s a lot of people around who don’t like bikers. Our reputation precedes us.”

He stared at the large table, the club logo hashed out in the middle. “Maybe.”

“Chelsea will have your balls if you mess with her.”

I caught the cheeky gleam in his eye even before he spoke, “Why would she need mine when she’s got her pockets full with yours?”

“Fuck off,” I growled, reaching out to smack him but he dodged it, jumping out of the seat with his regular grin now firmly back in place. “Go get me some answers, asshole.”

He snapped me a salute before heading for the door. Heading for my room not long after, I gave out orders to a prospect to run around and tell the girls they could come out. I opened the door only to find Sugar and Harlyn tucked up on my bed, reading a story.

Harlyn caught my movement first. “Daddy!” she called, untangling herself from her mother’s arms, leaping off the bed and running the few steps over to me.

I picked her up with ease, resting her on my hip, missing this girl like crazy. It killed me that she was so far away and my visits to see her were kept to a minimum. She was my daughter and I’d missed her first steps, her first words, her first haircut, her first visit from Santa. I’d wanted to see her grow up and be a positive influence in her life, not the barely there dad who sent money and presents in hopes it made up for my absence.

Sugar was right. Sending them away had been a mistake—one I would forever regret.

But things would be different now.

I wouldn’t make that same mistake again, and when this was all said and done, Sugar and I were going to sit down and have a very serious talk about the future. We may not have a future together, I think we both realized that a long time ago, but my future with Harlyn was going to be strong.

Of that, I was sure.
