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I hoped the club would still be a part of my life—they had become important to me. But I wouldn’t be a club girl forever.

“It’s already done,” he said, picking up a stack of papers off his desk and focusing on them.

Stubborn bastard. Let’s see how you like this.

“You pay my school fees in return for what I do here at the club.” I paused for a minute, letting that sink in.

His brow creased and he looked back up at me with a snarl. “Chelsea … I’m not playing games.”

“You ain’t paying my fees, fine. I’ll get my stuff. I need to find a job so that I can.” I pulled the door shut behind me as I stormed from the room.


I ignored his bellowing and headed straight for my bedroom. There were six club girls who lived here permanently. Where we lived was an old hotel that the men had renovated and done up. Us club girls, each had our own rooms on the first floor—easy access for the men. They each had a private room upstairs. Sometimes it felt kind of like a college dorm space and I was living a college girl’s wet dream. I get a free educationandI get to screw a group of fine ass bad boy bikers with tattoos.

Unfortunately for me, there’s one biker in particular that drives both my body and my mind crazy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I smiled to myself as I opened my bedroom door to see, said biker, gripping my doorframe and scowling.

“That shit ain’t funny, Chel.”

“Who the fuck’s laughing? Since you’re not paying my school fees, I need to find a way to do just that. So I’m heading out to find a job.” I threw my handbag over my shoulder and moved to pass him, but his large body blocked the doorway in its entirety. “Excuse me.”

He moved toward me, his eyes burning through my skin, holding all kinds of promises behind them. I stepped back as he continued to come at me, stalking me. His motorcycle club cut fit snugly over his shoulders and with only a white wife beater underneath, it clearly showed off the intricate tattoos that decorated his biceps and forearms with little room to spare.

The back of my knees hit the bed and I reacted, my hands reaching out and gripping onto his waist to steady myself.

Optimus was the king of intimidation. He was as big and he was scary and he knew just how to use both of those traits to get what he wanted.

“Do you have any idea what kind of danger you’d be in by going out alone, without an escort?” he growled.

“I went out this morning without one.” I protested, but as soon as the words left my mouth, I knew they were wrong. If things were as bad as they seemed, he wouldn’t let me leave without someone tailing me. I sighed. “Who was it?”


Ham was a prospect, a very new prospect who’d only joined the club a month or so ago. Prospects got the low gutter jobs, the ones that no one else wanted and because they wanted their full patch so desperately, they did them—no questions asked or complaints. There wasn’t a set amount of time that you had to be a prospect, it was all about proving yourself and proving your loyalty to the club.

“Damn, that kid’s good. Like a fucking ninja,” I muttered. Being with the Brothers for the last few years I’d learned to tell when someone was following me. Just another of the lessons that you learn when you’re part of the club, but you know you aren’t going to have any use for when you leave.

“No other job.”

And there we were again.

“Why? You’ve barely even paid me any notice since Harmony left. What does it matter if I leave?” I challenged him and he hated it.

He turned me, controlling my movements and forced me to walk backward. The door slammed behind me and I was quickly forced against it, Optimus’ body pressed securely against mine. “Doesn’t mean I want you to fucking die. Do you understand the terms,danger and trouble,college girl? I’m not doing this shit for fun. I’m doing it to keep your sexy little ass safe.”

His light bristles tickled my neck as he skimmed it with his lips. Just with that one movement, I wanted to give in and he knew it. This was my Optimus. This was the man I got to see that no one else did. The man I’d fallen for. I badly wanted to let go and be with him after he’d spent the last week pushing me to the side. But negotiations had just begun and I wasn’t about to give up on something that I wanted and needed so badly.

“I’ll do some classes online, but there’s one I can’t. I have to be at class twice a week.” I bargained, breathing heavily and slipping my hand up under his shirt. I followed the light trail of hair up to his belly button, my hand spread wide, covering his tight, ripped stomach.

Optimus worked out—a lot. He used to fight quite a bit before his father died and he took over the club. Now he hardly ever gets in the ring.

He nipped at my throat. “You don’t leave the compound without a man. If one’s not available, you don’t go to class.”

I stretched my head to the side, prompting him to continue. His hands skimmed the waistband of my jeans, teasing me and forcing us even closer. “Okay, okay. Deal.”

He tasted my skin one last time with a soft kiss and then stepped back. “Good.” I was shocked by the sudden coldness and moved out of the way as he reached for the door handle. “And Chelsea, don’t forget who runs this club. I won’t be talked to like that by you, or any other club whore.”

He pulled the door closed. The bang sounded almost like a gunshot. It could have been with the way that his words sliced through my heart. It ached and I wanted to cry.

Optimus had always made me feel like something more. He’d made it clear that he wouldn’t be claiming me, but he’d never made me feel worthless either. I’d even heard him talk to others about how Harmony and I were more than just pussy, more than just a hole to fuck—that the men here loved us and genuinely cared about us.

I gripped my purse in my hand and threw it to the side. It hit the wall with a thump and I leaned back against the bedroom door again, sliding to the floor.

Maybe my time here was coming to an end.
