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Waking up to find Optimus gone wasn’t surprising but it was disappointing. There were things we both had to say, but neither of us was doing a good job of saying them. I wondered if we were both thinking the same thing.

Once it was out there, there would be no stopping. No taking things back. So instead, we just avoided the conversation that we both knew was coming and traded it for the one way we could show our emotions. The one thing we felt the most comfortable with.


Our chemistry had always been off the charts. Ever since the first time we’d met, standing at the bar inside the clubhouse. It was like I was a sparkler and his body was the match. Every time he touched me it set me on fire. There was no other way to describe the heat that burned inside me, just by having him near.

Last night had been different to the others. He’d handed me control, even if just for a moment. It was something Optimus never did. Optimus loved to control, and if we’re being honest, I loved to give it to him. There was power in submitting yourself to someone and allowing them to dictate your movements and actions. It was about trust and respect. Last night, he’d shown me that the feeling was mutual and while we hadn’t talked about it, I’m hoping that means that we were moving forward.

The thought made me smile.

I decided that I’d spent enough time moping the last few days. My body ached, it needed to run. Just thinking about going the last few days without running was making my body feel anxious. I dressed in my running shorts, sports bra, and a loose Adidas shirt. I picked up my running shoes and carried them out to the main room in search of a brother or prospect. Ham was restocking the bar and there were a couple brothers playing pool.

“Hey Ham. Have you seen Op?” I asked, hefting myself onto the barstool and propping my foot up on the one next to it, so I could slip my shoe on and tie my laces.

“He’s in church with Blizzard, Leo, and Wrench. Seemed important.”

I nodded. I was used to Op being called away at a moment’s notice and being tucked away in meetings with the boys. I knew not to disturb him. “Do you think you could take me to the gym? Op mentioned the other day that he didn’t want me running up the street anymore.”

Ham looked a little apprehensive. “All good if I just check with a brother first?”

I smiled, the kid was good. He was going to make an awesome brother. “Sure.”

I continued to concentrate on doing my shoes before jumping off the barstool and stretching out my legs and shoulders. If I stretched now, it meant I could jump on the treadmill as soon as I got to the gym. I didn’t use a gym very often, opting to run outside. It made things a lot more interesting and I enjoyed the feeling of the wind and the elements against my skin as it heated.

“Hey, Chel.”

I looked up to find Slider standing next to Ham, both grinning at me as I spread my legs and reached down to grab my toes. I slowly released the stretch, careful not to do so too quickly.

“Hey Slide, we good?”

He nodded. “Op’s in a meeting with some of the guys, but as far as I know you’re not confined to the compound—just need an escort.”

“Cool! Is it sweet if I steal Ham for a little bit?”

Slider shrugged. “Go for it.” He walked past but didn’t miss an opportunity to land a resounding smack on my ass as he did. I yelped and turned to glare at him. He just walked away laughing. The boys didn’t get away with doing that kind of thing while Optimus was around, while I wasn’t technically his, they all knew how possessive he was of me. Slider was one who made the most of his absence.

Ham followed me into town, his bike rumbling behind me the whole time. When I pushed through the gym doors the excitement, I felt the entire drive there soon deflated.

How did I not think of this?

Deacon, the guy from mine and Rose’s attempted night out, was standing off to the side of the gym talking to two men in dark suits. Their expressions all looked far-reaching. Deacon nodded, but a deep scowl was painted on his face. Before I could turn and walk back out, his gaze caught with mine. His eyes widened and he hurried to excuse himself from the serious, stern looking men. I was right when I’d guessed that he was packing some serious muscle under the dress shirt that he had on the night we’d met. His naked upper body glistened with sweat which seemed to accentuate the definition in his abs.

“Hey,” he said softly, coming to a stop a few feet in front of me.

“I’m sorry,” I said wringing my workout towel in my hands. I pointed over my shoulder. “I’ll just go.”

He grabbed for my arm as I began to turn my body away. “Hey, no, it’s fine.” He gestured to the front desk which required you to swipe your gym membership to gain entry. I had always kept my membership updated, just in case things like this happened, but I hadn’t actually been to the gym for months. Instead, enjoying running in the crisp cold air was just too inviting.

“I’m sorry about the other night,” he said as he walked next to me. I scanned my card and we both passed through the small entrance into the gym area.

“You shouldn’t be the one apologizing, that should be on me.” I placed my towel and keys on a bench next to an empty treadmill. “Optimus can be—”

“Arrogant, controlling, overbearing?” he offered, scoffing.

I couldn’t help but smile. “All of the above. But I meant he can be very protective and possessive.”

“I guess all boyfriends can be like that. I probably would be too if you were mine.” He folded his arms across his chest and smiled.
