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“You look like you need a drink,” I heard Lou Lou announce from behind the bar. There were a few brothers hanging around, but since my conversation with Sugar I’d planted myself here and so far hadn’t bothered to move, not even to get a drink.

“Yeah, get me a whiskey,” I mumbled.

Lou Lou looked at me strangely but turned away to get my drink. “You need anything else, Op?” I didn’t miss the subtle suggestion in her voice, even though she tried to make it sound casual.

“No.” I threw back the shot glass, slamming it down onto the wooden bar with a little more force than needed. Lou jumped but gave me a brief smile before she strutted off over to my boys who welcomed her with open arms and hard cocks.

I liked Lou Lou, she was a hard one to decipher. She wasn’t strong and confident in herself and her life like Harmony and Chelsea. She could be a bitch and spent too much time trying to impress people with her boobs out. But she also wasn’t quite on the‘only here to be an Old Lady and get what I’m owed’train. When she was told to shut up, she listened and also spent time away from the club with her family.

“You keen for a ride?” Blizzard asked, sliding onto the stool beside me and eyeing my empty glass. “Maybe not.”

“Only had one.”

“Good, let’s go. Been meaning to shoot around to X-Rated and check on some shit.” He patted me on the back and pushed back from the bar.

“Just coz she’s gone, don’t mean I need another bed warmer,” I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him and daring him to say something fucking stupid.

The girls at X-Rated were off limits to the boys. Simply because sometimes my men don’t know the meaning of pissing off the hired help. Assholes couldn’t keep their dicks under control and I’d had more than one girl leave because they thought that one of the brothers was going to be their knight in shining armour, only to be severely disappointed.

“Did I say that you moody bastard?” He shot back, rolling his eyes. “Connor called and said one of the girls came in looking high and stumbling around.”

“Stupid bitch.” I climbed off my seat and followed him outside to our bikes. I liked to keep X-Rated classy. That mean no drugs, high security, and discretion.

Our girls lived under strict rules—no fucking the clientele or the brothers, drugs tests monthly, no alcohol on the job, and no running your mouth about who or what you see go on.

Businessmen came to our joint to escape. They didn’t want people judging them or outing them in public. They wanted to have a good time without outside interference. X-Rated had just that and they paid good money for it. I wasn’t about to have some drugged up bitch ruin the reputation of my establishment.

The ride into town didn’t take long. I was fully ready to rip someone a new one. I was full of anger and frustration. It wasn’t often I felt my head this messed up. Between Chelsea walking out and Sugar’s verbal ass kicking, I was feeling out of sorts.

A long time ago I would’ve taken my shit to the ring and beat some poor unsuspecting asshole half to death. That wasn’t me anymore. I stayed away from fighting or using my fists unless it was to protect myself or my family. I didn’t like who I became when I stepped inside those ropes. He wasn’t a part of me any longer and I wasn’t about to let this setback change that. I just needed to sort myself out and head back on the path.

I wasn’t done with Chelsea. But for now, I just had to hope I was doing the right thing and when the time came to bring her back, it wasn’t too late.

A couple of men in dark clothes stood at the door. Hired bouncers. They watched who came and went while my brothers watched the inside. We owned a security company and each of these men were background checked thoroughly, but the girls inside this building belonged to the club, we watched out for them, we looked after them, we protected them and that was a responsibility I only trusted in my brothers hands.

The beefed up boys out the front just nodded as we walked past.

Even for a weeknight, X-Rated was busy. We were open seven days a week and there wasn’t another strip club in town, I’d made sure of that.

Kat was on stage doing her thing. She was a stunning girl and one of our major draws. The men who came here loved her and I had no doubts that she was the reason for many wet dreams once they left. The crowd was full, but the type of men there varied. Some wore suits, some working men in pull overs with grease stains, no doubt just wanting a little perve before they head home for the night.

Camo stood leaning against the right side of the stage, his eyes on the crowd and not on Kat. Wrench stood on the other side, chatting to one of the waitresses. She appeared to be flirting but he was looking everywhere but her, nodding occasionally.

Blizzard and I took a seat at the small bar, watching Connor as he mixed a couple drinks and then placed them on a tray for one of the girls. His eyes caught us as he passed the tray over and wiped his hands on the towel that was tucked into the waist of his jeans.

“You guys want a drink?”

Blizz and I both nodded and Connor pulled a bottle of whiskey from under the bar.

“Fuck that shit, give me a beer,” Blizzard grumbled, he didn’t have the taste for whiskey like I did. Admittedly so, it had only been since Chelsea had come around that I had found myself drinking more and more of it. The way her mouth tasted after she’d been drinking it was fucking amazing. I shook my head and swigged back the glass that Connor had placed in front of me.

“How’s things?” I asked him as he leaned his hip casually against the bar and folded his arms across his chest.

“Yeah, all good. No major issues except for Hayley, who wandered in or should I say stumbled in, late for work this afternoon.” He shook his head. He was clearly disappointed.

Connor wasn’t a member of the club, he wasn’t a brother, but I trusted him like one. He’d been offered the opportunity a couple years back to prospect but had declined. He had his head and heart set on being a lawyer and, unfortunately, being a member of the Brothers by Blood could possibly affect his future in that line of work. I respected him for it. He knew what he wanted and I admired his dedication. Connor wanted to change the world, protect people who had been done wrong.

One of the major things pushing him was the fact that he was gay. The club had nothing against sexual preference. While some of the boys had been stand-offish with him to begin with, they soon learned that he wasn’t out to get in their pants or try to convert them.
