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How much had she had to drink?

There was no way I was going anywhere with these two. I knew to trust my gut when something didn’t feel right. But no way in hell was I going to let her go with them alone.

I decided to try a different tact.

Smiling, hoping it looked genuine and not like a grimace. “I came to have some fun remember, get my mind off that stupid alpha male. How about we have a dance first, let our hair down and then if these lovely gentlemen are happy to wait, we can go party with them?”

“You don’t dance,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

I cringed but forced myself to shrug like it was no big deal. “My life just took an epic turn. Maybe that’s a sign I need to start doing things differently.”

She beamed at me. “Is that okay?” she asked, turning to creepy McWeirdo.

He looked over at his friend, whom I had completely blocked out by giving him my back before he nodded. “Yeah, we can wait.”

I immediately jumped off the barstool, yanking Rose with me as I headed for the dance floor. Rose stumbled a little but managed to keep up on her sky-high heels. Her body started moving to the music even as I plowed my way through people to get to the middle of the dance floor, attempting to put as much distance between us and them as possible.

I wasn’t afraid to stand up for myself, I could throw a punch just as well as any guy. The need to prove that had arisen more than a few times growing up. But I also knew when I was outnumbered and needed to get out of a situation before things turned to shit. There was an aura coming off those two men that I didn’t like, and I wasn’t about to sit around and find out if my instincts were correct.

The nightclub was busy and I managed to hide us in the crowd. Rose moved her body, closing her eyes and swaying as she sang along to the pop music that the DJ was blaring. I bopped as I stood beside her, not even attempting to dance really, but instead searching the room for Ham. We hung out there for a few songs, every so often I would yell that I was having a great time and she would grin and nod. I cursed not bringing my cell phone with me or I would have just text messaged Ham to meet us somewhere. Even as a prospect, Ham was tall and broad and with a Brothers by Blood cut on his shoulders, people instantly stepped away.

“Damn it,” I muttered as another sweep of the club found not Ham but the two men I was trying to avoid, pushing their way through people and heading straight for us. Obviously they were done waiting.

I felt a body come up behind me. I was ready to turn around, punch whoever it was, grab Rose and run until a voice I recognized cooed into my ear, “Fancy seeing you here.”

“Deacon,” I exclaimed, a sense of relief flooding me as I spun and took him in.

Rose stood just to the side, her eyebrows creasing together in the middle as she stared at him. I gripped his T-shirt and pulled him closer, not missing the look of surprise in his face as I plastered my body to his and tiptoed up so my mouth was next to his ear. “There’s some guys coming over that want us to go to a party with them. They give me the creeps, but Rose is really drunk and wants to go. Help!”

I felt his arm wrap around my waist, holding me snug against him and I couldn’t say that I hated it. With my heart and my head running one hundred miles an hour, I appreciated the comforting feeling of protection.

“Let’s go,” I heard the deep voice thunder from behind me. I turned, but Deacon held me firmly against him, his head resting on my shoulder.

“Sorry guys. Seems like the girls have had a change of heart,” Deacon called, stepping backward and pulling me with him.

Lead creep shot an angry glare at Rose, who was standing there looking a little shocked, her eyes racing back and forth between us.

He clenched his fists and bared his teeth. “We found them first. They’re coming with us.”

Deacon laughed softly. “Ain’t about who found them first. It’s about who they want. And Chelsea here was just telling me how much she wanted me, right babe?”

I felt his lips on my neck and my body instantly tingled. It felt strange but good at the same time. I nodded and murmured a yes, even though I knew they couldn’t hear me over the music.

Rose looked torn and as Deacon began to back me further away, I grasped her hand and pulled her with me. Deacon wasn’t an intimidating looking guy, so I was surprised they simply let us walk. That was until we were surrounded by three large men who helped him usher us to the front of the club and out the doors.

The brisk air hit me hard, it wasn’t cold but being in the middle of those bodies dancing had made me sweat. Rose crossed her arms across her chest, clearly upset by the change in events. We walked down the pavement a little, away from the crowd before finally coming to a stop. Deacon’s arm never left my waist, even as his friends lounged against the building, two of them lighting up cigarettes.

“What the hell, Chelsea!” Rose finally growled, throwing her arms in the air.

“There was no way in fucking hell we were going anywhere with those guys, Rose. They were dangerous, I could feel it,” I snapped.

Her temper seemed to calm a little. “He was hot! We could’ve just hung out with them, seen where things went.”

“Where I come from, where things go with guys like that is a place I’ve visited, and let me tell you it’s not fucking nice.” I was getting angry—I’d been around men like that before. At first I’d loved the attention and brushed off the bad feelings, but I soon learned to follow my instincts and they were always right.

Her face fell. “I just thought it would be nice you know, meet some new people. I thought that was what you wanted now you’d left the club?”

Deacon’s arm tightened around me, him and his friends had stayed silent, letting us hash our crap out until now. “You left the club?”

“Yeah,” I muttered, thankful he was still at my back so I didn’t have to look at him.

Rose looked like she was completely drained, her shoulders sagging as she scuffed at the concrete. So much for night out round two. This night was almost worse than round one.

“You girls want a ride home?” Deacon asked, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I murmured.

I felt as though I should be pushing him away, I didn’t know why I wasn’t. Maybe after Optimus’ rejection I just needed some sort of comfort. Whatever it was, it felt nice to have him there.
