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Deacon threw two pizza boxes on the workout mats next to where I was stretching.

“Pizza?” I smirked. “Really?”

He shrugged. “Sometimes healthy food just doesn’t hit the spot. I’ve also got some beer in the fridge if you’d like it?” He grinned and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“No thanks.” I held up my water bottle. “I’ll stick with this for now.”

“Spoilsport,” he mumbled, taking a seat on the mat next to me and tossing open the lid of one of the boxes and dived straight in.

The smell hit me directly and I couldn’t hide the moan that escaped my mouth. “Oh God. That’s so good.”

Deacon choked on the bite he’d just taken and I quickly reached over and patted him on the back. “You shouldnotmake those types of noises outside the bedroom.”

I giggled, squashing my resolve and stealing a piece for myself. “I’m sorry,” I garbled around a mouthful of deliciousness. “Wow, this is amazing!”

We ate silently for a while, Deacon scoffing down at least a whole pizza to himself.

“So … have you lived here long? I’ve never seen you around before and we know the town pretty well,” I asked as I dusted off my hands into the box and folded my legs.

He shook his head. “A month maybe? The coach of the local college football team actually recruited me. I worked with him when I was at college. When I say worked, I mean offered my services for free just to get some type of experience. He took over the team last year and I finally decided to take the leap.”

“Where did you live before?”

“New York mostly.”

“That’s a big shift for a job,” I observed, sipping on my water.

He moved his focus to the now almost empty boxes near our feet, shuffling them around. “Yeah, I guess. Gotta do what you gotta do and all that.” He cleared his throat and regained his composure with a smile. “What about you? What’s your story?”

I laughed. “My story is far too long. We’d need at least a day and probably a few shots to get through that.”

He smiled, it was soft and caring. “How about, how did you find yourself in Athens? You don’t have the Alabama accent so I know you’re not a local.”

“Nope, I’m actually an Idaho girl.” I fiddled with the lid of my water bottle. “I grew up in the system so as soon as I hit eighteen I was gone. So many crappy memories, I hate even thinking about the place.”


I shook my head and plastered on a smile—just like always, grin and bear it. “It’s fine. The day I turned eighteen I pretty much pulled a map out at the library, spun it around, closed my eyes and pointed. And here I am.”

Deacon’s face slowly morphed from sad into a beaming smile. “And is it everything you wanted it to be?”


“Oh? How come.”

“I definitely thought there would be more cowboys.” I couldn’t help the cheeky smile that played on my lips. Deacon’s laughter filled the space, echoing loudly in the empty gym.

“Maybe you should write a letter to the state or something claiming false advertising,” he said through small shakes.

I pointed my bottle at him, my face completely serious. “You know what, that’s a great idea!”

“I just can’t compete with that, cowboys seem to be on every girl’s fantasy list,” he said with an enormous sigh.

I scoffed. “Yeah, like ladies here don’t swoon over the Boston style accent you have going on.”

He almost looked offended. “I do not have a Boston accent!”

I giggled. “Yup, you do.”
