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“Take it back.”

“Ooh, what are you going to do, Boston boy?” I taunted, wiggling my fingers at him. His hand shot out and grabbed my ankle. I squealed, my water bottle flying across the soft mats as he dragged me to him. His body was suddenly over me, my wrists clasped in his hands and pinned tightly to the floor.

“Take it back,” he prompted with a cocky grin.

“Ha! Not a chance.” I tried to wiggle out from under him, but I may have underestimated just how strong he was. He may not have been as big as some of the boys at the club, but I knew that underneath his clothing there was a body practically made of stone. Even as I struggled he somehow managed to switch both my wrists into one of his hands, freeing up the other.

“How ticklish are you?”

I froze. “Don’t you dare!”

A look that could only be described as pure evil delight formed on his face and I felt his hand slide to my side. I struggled harder, the more I laughed.

“Stop!” I cried, my belly aching.

“Take it back!”

I bit my lip and tried to fight it, but he moved his fingers all over my stomach, hitting every ticklish spot I had. “Okay! Okay!” I yelled through the laughter. “I take it back!”

“Say, Deacon is awesome.” He chuckled deviously.

I squirmed and lifted my hips, trying to throw him off. “Deacon is awesome!”

His hand stilled instantly, resting on my waist and I finally managed to take a deep breath, the laughter subsiding. It was only then I realized just how close he was, his face only inches from mine as he leaned over me, still clasping my wrists in his hand. The laughter had subsided, and all that could be heard in the air was heavy breathing. His eyes were intense and weren’t looking right at me, they were watching my mouth. His body was pressed between my thighs and my legs had automatically wrapped around him in my fight, holding him in place.

I didn’t know what to do.

“Deacon,” I whispered, finally able to find my voice even through my dry throat. It was like the movement of my lips snapped him out of his daze and he slowly began to release me, somewhat reluctantly. He shuffled back, giving me some space as I fought to sit up.

He smiled at me, almost shyly. “I win.”

I cleared my throat with a nervous laugh. “That was cheating.”

“Oh sure!”

We both stood awkwardly, me gathering my strewn water bottle and Deacon picking up the discarded pizza boxes.

“I need to get home before Rose starts to freak out,” I told him as I walked over to the front desk and began to shut down the computer.

“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got a few things to do here before I head out. You go.”

I nodded. “Thanks for dinner.”

He smiled, highlighting the dimple that I’d only recently noticed indented in his cheek. “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“For sure!” I gave a small wave and smile as I headed for the front door, very aware of the fact that he watched me until I climbed into Rose’s car which was parked on the street just out the front. It was just lucky she’d let me borrow her’s for when I was working until close. Usually, I would just run a few miles. It was just starting to get dark as I drove the short ride home.


It was a strange feeling calling somewhere else home. The clubhouse had been my home for so long now that I almost had to fight the urge to change direction and head for it. It was like it had a pull on me that no matter where I went, I just couldn’t escape it.

I’d been gone close to a week, but it was like it haunted me. Every time I heard a motorcycle I found myself turning and looking around. I’m not sure if part of me was hoping that Optimus would come for me, drag me back, and tell me he’d made a mistake. I guess I wished it would happen, but in my heart I knew it wouldn’t.

He’d let me walk away.

He hadn’t fought for me.

Goosebumps covered my skin as I thought back to Deacon. Feeling his body over me, pressed against me. I feel like I should have felt something more. When his eyes watched my lips, I didn’t silently beg for him to kiss me like a normal girl would when she had a sexy as hell man giving her that kind of attention.

Deacon was gorgeous—strong, sweet, funny. Everything a girl like me should be looking for when searching for her fairytale ending.

But no, he wasn’t mine.

He wasn’t the one I wanted.

He wasn’t Optimus.

And that thought alone crushed me.
