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“Honey, I’m home,” I called as I strolled through the front door, having a little giggle to myself as I did. I sniffed my nose wrinkling. There was a strange smell in the air, it wasn’t burning, but something definitely not right.

“Hey, there’s dinner in the oven,” Rose called from her bedroom.

“What is it? It smells...different.”

“It’s just lasagna.” I heard a slight shake in her voice and frowned. Even just the small change in her tone alerted me to the fact that there was something wrong. I’d become pretty good at reading Rose’s emotions. She was usually strong and happy, but there were certain things that put a dampener on her emotions—the main one being her family.

While I had yet to meet them, she said her parents were overbearing and controlling. At first I laughed it off, comparing it to what I had to deal with at the club. But then there were little things that I started to pick up on. How she talked about trying to fit in and be accepted. How she always tried so hard but it never mattered, they were never happy.

I felt for her, but it was something I’d rarely experienced myself. Growing up I never felt like I wanted to fit in, I never needed to fight to impress anyone, I never had people that cared about what I did. I guess maybe they just wanted her to be the best she could be. But their execution was just shitty. I veered away from the kitchen and made my way down the short hall to her room which was directly opposite mine.

I knocked softly. “Rose? Can I come in?” There was silence for a good ten or so seconds and I raised my hand to knock again.

“Yeah, come in!” I pushed the door open. Rose was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, school books spread out around her. She looked down, her hair falling across her face. “Just trying to get some study done. We’ve got a couple of assignments coming up.”

I sighed and dropped myself onto the side of her bed. “Don’t remind me. I’m dreading class tomorrow. I just don’t know if I have the attention span needed at the moment. Did you pick up your grade yesterday from the test last term?”

Her head bobbed, but she didn’t look up. “Yeah, I got a B.”

“That’s good! I picked mine up before work, I managed a B+.” She didn’t say anything, just nodded. “Are you all right?” I unconsciously reached out to touch her hand, attempting to get her attention. A sharp cry left her mouth and she quickly pulled her hand away, cradling it to her chest.

I flinched back. “Rose?”

“Sorry,” her voice shook and her breathing was heavy. “Sorry, it’s just a bit sore.” She finally raised her face to look at me and I noticed how red and puffy her eyes were. That wasn’t caused by a small sniffle that was from a hardcore meltdown. I would know.

I crawled across the bed to her, not caring that I was scrunching her books and papers but feeling the desperate need to comfort my friend. I tucked in beside her, reaching out for her hand. “Let me look.”

She was reluctant but slowly she pulled it from where she had it hidden close to her chest. I turned it over and couldn’t help the gasp that came from my mouth. The palm of her hand was completely burned and blistered. It brought tears to my eyes just thinking about how much pain she must be in. It was already beginning to peel and swell.

“Oh my gosh, Rose. We need to get you to the hospital!”

“It’’s okay. I’m sure it will be fine.”

I climbed off the bed and stared at her like she was crazy. “Do you know how many nerves there are in your hands? Those aren’t just light burns. That’s really bad, possibly third degree!”

She shook her head, pulling her hand back to her body and holding it close.

“Rose, how did this happen?” I asked, trying to calm my tone like I was speaking to a scared animal or small child.

“My hand on the burner on the stove,” she murmured.

Now it made sense. That smell in the house wasn’t the lasagna she’d cooked. It was the smell of burnt flesh.

“Were you not paying attention?” Her head hung, but I didn’t miss the tears that began to fall and splash onto her bare legs. “Rose? Please.”

“My dad,” she whispered.

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re dad? What?”

A dark laugh blew past her lips and she finally looked up. “He put my hand on the element.”

“What the fuck! Why the hell would he do that?” I screamed, causing her to flinch. But I didn’t care, what the fuck kind of person does that?

She looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with me like she was embarrassed. “I guess he um...thinks I’m not doing well enough.”

“That’s psycho! Rose, you shouldn’t have to deal with that.”

She shrugged. “He’s always been a little heavy handed. It’s usually only small things, but yeah, he was infuriated.”
