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“That’s exactly what she’ll get,” I confirmed slowly, thinking we’d already gone over this.

“I wish I’d known more about her. We had shit in common.” He tried to laugh, but it was strangled. “I know the whole Christian family shit well. I grew up in one. All my friends were from Christian families.”

I began to understand his investment in Hayley’s life. He felt that connection, he realized what she had been through and the idea of trying to make your life better when people who were supposed to care about you, completely shit all over you. I stayed silent, allowing him time to continue if he wanted. I wouldn’t force him to, but sometimes we just need someone to hear our story, to validate who we are and what we’ve fought to get to where we are.

“My best friend got addicted to meth in our senior year at high school. When his parents found out, they supported him while he battled his way out of it. I was there for him. I pushed him to be better and with all that unconditional love behind him, he came out the other side.” He laughed again, but this time it was darker, full of anger and disgust. “I saw what he went through and how everyone had his back and that year, I decided to come out. I’d known I was gay since I was fucking twelve. But you know what I got in return? Shunned.”

I watched as he clenched his fists tightly, the muscles in his arms becoming defined. I could understand judgment and ridicule. Being the son of an MC President didn’t exactly make me the most popular kid on the block. Parents wouldn’t ever let their kids hang out with me. I was sneered at every day at school. But I had other kids like me at the clubhouse. I couldn’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thought.

What I also had was two loving parents who gave a shit.

Connor didn’t.

It took a moment for him to relax, but eventually he calmed down and lifted his head instead of letting it hang in defeat. He held his shoulders back and he was a different man. Not that scared, hurt teenager, I’d just seen come out of him.

“I want justice for Hayley. I might not have had people at my back when I needed it, but I’ll be fucking damned if I let any of those girls, including Jayla, go without having someone who’s there for them.”

“Hayley will get her justice, and somehow we’ll find a way so that Jayla has everything she ever needed and more. The club won’t let her down,” I promised him.

I was true to my word.

I’d find a way so that that little girl had all the love and support she ever needs.

I wasn’t sure quite how yet, but I’d find a way.
