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Just as I opened the door, home from my morning class, my phone began to ring. I tossed my bag on the floor and crouched down next to it, digging past my school books, attempting to follow the sound. My hand grasped it and I mentally high-fived myself as I pulled it out, briefly recognizing Deacon’s name as I hit answer.

“Hey!” I said cheerfully.

“So I know you aren’t rostered to work today, but Annabelle just rang and she’s having car issues and can’t get here and I’m desperate and I know you’ve got study to do but—”

I laughed. “When do you need me?”

“Oh thank goodness,” he said sounding thoroughly exasperated. “The sooner, the better!”

I smiled. “I’ll see what I can do. See you soon.”

“Thanks, Chelsea.”

I threw my phone on the sofa and headed for my room to find my gym gear. Rose’s door was open and she was propped up on her bed flipping through one of our assigned textbooks.

I must have caught her eye and she looked up and smiled. “Hey, you wanna study with me. I could really do with some help.”

“I wish I could. Deacon just called and he’s desperate for someone to come in, like now.”

Her face dropped immediately. “Are you sure he can’t find someone else? I mean, we have so many assignments due and they’re so big. You should really be working on them.”

I stepped inside her room, her panicked tone concerning me. “I know. I’ll get some done tonight.” I raised my eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

She swallowed harshly. “Yeah, sorry. Just stressed.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Rose…talk to me. Your dad isn’t planning another visit is he?” I thought maybe she was scared he’d come around again if she were left alone.

She laughed nervously. “I don’t think so. I think he’s done enough damage that he’ll stay away for a little while.”

“Then what’s up?” I pushed, sitting at the edge of her bed.

She seemed to think for a while, shaking her head. When she finally spoke, all she said was, “Blizzard.”

I frowned, not understanding.

“He…um…said something about coming and checking on me today. I just … I just don’t want to see him. Not by myself.” She looked down at the book in her lap, flipping the pages in her fingers. I reached out and touched her leg, it was shaking slightly.

“Blizzard just wants to watch out for you, just like I do,” I tried to reassure her. “I’m not sure what the deal is with you guys, but he cares. I can tell.”

She shuddered. “He shouldn’t,” she muttered.

“Why?” I asked.

Her head jerked up like she hadn’t expected me to hear her last comment.

“He’s trying to get involved. I just want him to stay out of it, but he keeps pushing.” Her brow creased like it made her angry.

“Because of your dad?” I enquired.

“He will just get hurt.” The comment made me curious. Blizzard could be pretty damn scary at times and with the club at his back I doubted that anyone would dare mess with him.

I tapped her leg. “Blizzard’s a big boy. Trust me when I say he can take care of himself.”

She thought about that for a moment before her head bobbed. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess he can.”

“If it makes you feel better I’ll give him a call, tell him if he wants to come round to wait until I get home.”

Her faced brightened a little. “That would make me feel better.”
