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I hadn’t dressed up much, it was rather pointless when you knew that you were just going to be taking everything back off again. I’d thrown on a sexy denim mini with tears in the fabric and an emerald green halter that made my breasts looking freaking amazing. I also threw on a pair of heels just for fun. They were my favorite and cost a shit load to boot—cowboy style ankle boots with a few small chains and studs. They went perfectly with my denim mini and made my legs look fantastic. I checked myself in the mirror.

I’d do me.

My body was excited by the thought of getting Leo into bed, even if my heart was holding back a little bit. I pulled my hair to the side and ran my fingers through it.

I, like most little girls out there, had a love for fairy tales. I lost my parents when I was only young, barely six, and since then I’d moved from foster home to foster home, never spending too long in the same place. Not all the homes I’d been placed into were all that bad. But the shitty ones really had outweighed the even slightly pleasant ones. There were drugs, there was drinking, there was abuse.

What saved me from turning to drugs or alcohol or just deciding to give up altogether?I ran.

I loved to run. I felt free, I felt like nothing else mattered but placing one foot in front of the other, slicing through the air, feeling my body burn.

Running as a form of exercise had always been a part of me. I think it was burned into my genes. My mom was a cross country runner at school and my dad was a running back for his high school football team.

I remember how competitive they got.

I giggled, watching from the porch as my mom taunted my dad.

“Come on, David! I’ve got three laps on you, just give up!” she yelled, laughing as if she could continue running all night. Something I knew she would do if that’s what it took to prove she was better.

“Never!” my father spluttered. I saw the moment the idea crossed his thoughts and he veered off from the usual marked out course and shot across the center to the opposite side where my unsuspecting mother was.

He held his finger to his mouth with a smile, gesturing for me not to give away what he was about to do. I covered my mouth with my hand, but the giggles were unstoppable. Mom looked up at me curiously, but it was already too late, my dad had swept her off her feet, hooking his arms under her knees, the other around her back.

She screamed, but it fast turned to laughter. “Put me down you dirty cheat! Chelsea! You were watching. I won!”

My dad placed her on the ground and started to tickle her sides. I laughed alongside my mother as I shot off the porch and down the stairs, my little legs carrying me quickly across the backyard. The grass felt fantastic between my toes and the light spring breeze delightful against my skin.

I dove on top of them, all of us crashing to the ground, a chorus of tinkling laughter filling the warm air.

I had to smile, even as tears burned at my eyes. My parents were always playing these little games, and no matter who won or how competitive it got, their love for each other was so strong that it never mattered.

Running had been their passion, and now it was mine. The difference was that the feeling of freedom I got from running soon moved into other parts of my life. I started using it to escape the vile and downtrodden homes that I was placed in, and even some of the good ones. Running away became the norm. My foster families would soon get sick of it and demand I was moved somewhere else. Then as soon as something bad happened I’d repeat the process.

Losing my parents had been traumatic. It had crushed me. But I would never say it ruined my life. Yes, I’d come from a pretty shitty background and been dealt a bad hand. But I’d made the most of it, and in the end as far as I was concerned I’d come out on top.

I was kind of like Cinderella.

I eyed myself one more time in the mirror, head to toe and back again. A small smirk appeared as I took in my reflection.

Like Cinderella, but with better shoes.

I left my room and headed upstairs. Leo was the Sergeant at Arms so he had a pretty large room upstairs next to the other club officers. Normal club members had much smaller rooms and shared bathrooms. I knocked on the door and waited but heard nothing. I’d given him just over an hour, enough to get Macy off and back to his room. I frowned and knocked again.

“He’s not there.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, the voice alone sent tingles through my body, but I knew once my eyes set sight on him that I’d crumble.

“And how would you know he’s not there?” I asked, not bothering to turn around.

“Because I sent him to X-Rated to check on some stuff for me.”

I felt him move up behind me, his body so big it dwarfed my small frame. I swallowed tightly. “It’s 9:00 a.m., there isn’t anyone at X-Rated.”

His warm breath hit the back of my neck and two strong arms caged me against the wall. “I know.”

Desire warmed my belly but before it could take over, anger reared its ugly face. “Then if you don’t mind, I have school work to do.” I spat sharply.

A small growl rumbled in my ear. “You weren’t too busy for him.”
