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I stared at him in shock, my mind struggling to find a way around what I was hearing. “You mean to tell me, there were possibly people out there, people who could have taken me in and cared about me? But the fucking government decided to put me into the system just so they could hide me?”

“It was a smart choice really,” Leo said, looking at me with sad eyes. “Kids get lost in the system. Shuttled from foster home to foster home. They go missing? Nobody cares.”

“What the fuck happened to shit like witness protection?” I was angry, I wanted to yell and scream. What if there are people out there? Family, friends, people that could have raised me. But instead, they threw me into the system, hoping for the best but expecting the worst—the worst being that I would just disappear.

“What I want to know is why they think it was the MC? What do they have that constitutes evidence, but that isn’t enough to bring the club down?” Wrench asked curiously as he seemed to get lost in his computer screen, his fingers flying over the keyboard.

I curled in closer to Optimus and he tucked his face into my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Blackbird.”

“Think they’re setting us up?” Slide asked curiously.

“Definite possibility,” Blizzard agreed. “But who? The DEA or whoever killed them?”

Optimus cleared his throat. “Leo, give Kit a call and see if you can talk to Oz. See if he knows anything about a hit on a DEA agent, and whether anyone was locked up that year? Anything that might be helpful. If anyone is gonna, know it’s gonna be him. The old bastard is like a fucking elephant, he never forgets.”

Leo nodded, pulling out his phone as he exited the room.

“Let’s take a break, try to gather some more info before we sit down again and hash it out.” Optimus banged his gavel on the table and tapped me on the butt twice, telling me he wanted me to stand.

The boys all dispersed, but Blizzard followed us as Op took my hand and led me toward the dining room. We filled our plates with breakfast and took a seat at a table.

“What’s your view man? To me, this is one big clusterfuck.” Optimus asked Blizz as he took a seat next to us.

I tried to concentrate on my food and getting something in my stomach. But with all this information swirling around in my head I was finding it hard to force anything down.

Blizzard stabbed at his food. “It’s gotta be the DEA, I don’t know how else to explain it. How else would someone be able to edit court documents and prison details then wipe them like that? It doesn’t make sense.”

“The cop said he was here following the DePalma’s. But did he already know this is where Chelsea was or was it just a coincidence?”

“My head hurts,” I mumbled around a mouthful of food that I was struggling to swallow.

Op’s eyes softened as he looked at me. “I’m sorry, baby. But we need to sort this out and fast.”

I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder. “I know. It’s just a lot to take in. I’ve been disconnected from my parents since I was five. Nobody knew them. Nobody talked about them. And now all of a sudden people are here, telling me things I didn’t even know about them.” I shuddered. “It’s weird.”

“We can talk about it later when the boys have done some digging and we have a better picture.” He wrapped his arm around me and tucked me into his side.I felt safe there.He looked over my head to Blizzard. “Didn’t you go out last night to pick up Rose? Where’s she at?”

Blizzard shook his head and shoveled some eggs into his mouth before he talked. “Tried to find her, but think she’s hiding from me. Called her and she said she was fine, that she was staying with her family. That’s all I got and she hung up.”

I instantly stiffened. I didn’t like the idea of her being around her dad. Although, I still had yet to meet the man, he sounded like a complete fucking asshole.

Op squeezed me. “What’s wrong? You think she’s in trouble?”

Blizzard was instantly alert, his food forgotten.

“I just don’t like her dad.”

“Why?” both the boys asked curiously.

I shifted uncomfortably. I promised Rose I wouldn’t tell anyone what was going on with her family and her dad. But we could protect her, the club could look out for her and help her.

“Her father is a little...strict,” I said, trying to find the right words so it wouldn’t send Blizzard off the deep end.

“Chelsea,” he growled, his eyebrows pulling together in the middle. “What does that mean?”

I chewed on my lip. “He wants her to excel. Maybe expects a little too much from her and can get a little heavy handed.”

I cringed, burying myself deeper into Op’s arms as Blizzard’s usually cool demeanor turned straight up angry. “He’s hitting her?”
