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A chorus of bikes started behind me and Kev waited until they shot out the gates, tires screeching, before he spoke, “Fuck man. She was just there.” He pointed at a tree that shaded the pavement less than fifty feet away. “Rose was sitting under the tree, Chelsea crouched down in front of her. I couldn’t see the gun until it was too late and there was a car coming.Fuck.I should have just shot the double crossing bitch.” The fact that they had let her walk out the gate at all wasn’t my biggest concern right now. And I knew until I found Chelsea, Kev would beat himself up enough for the both of us. He’d get his for being so fucking stupid but right now, all I wanted was to find my woman.

I stormed back to the clubhouse, my brothers—my family—just staring in awe of what just happened.

“Daddy!” I watched and Harlyn squirmed out of her mother’s arms and ran full force at me, launching her little body into my arms. I caught her, holding her tightly in my grasp and burying my face in her hair. My anger slowly dissipated and suddenly I was overcome with emotion. I felt Harlyn’s small hand patting my back like she knew exactly how I was feeling and what I needed.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” she whispered softly. “It’s okay.”

I nearly broke down. I wanted to scream and yell, break something or someone. But I didn’t. The little girl in my arms gave me strength.

“Yeah, baby girl,” I said closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”

She stared straight into my eyes and held up her hand, her pinkie finger sticking out. “Pinkie promise?”

I forced a smile, the innocence of this girl. “I pinkie promise,” my voice broke. I felt a soft hand on my arm and after a moment I finally withdrew my face from the comfort of Harlyn’s embrace. Sugar looked up at me, a sad smile crossed her face.

“Come on Harlyn,” she said softly, holding her arms out. “Daddy needs to work now.”

Harlyn nodded and I passed her over to Sugar, who hefted our girl onto her hip. They headed inside followed by the handful of old ladies and club girls who had come out during the commotion. I looked around at my brothers, their faces all telling me the same thing.

They were ready to stand up and fight.

They weren’t going to lay down and let this shit happen.

Chelsea was one of us.

She was fucking family, and no one fucks with our family and gets away with it.

No fucking way.

My men wanted blood, and that’s exactly what they were going to get.
