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Ropes were bound around my wrists and ankles and I was forced to sit on the cold concrete floor against the wall. Marco has disappeared upstairs with McCreepy, leaving the other man with us. I could hear him coming back down the stairs now, but he was alone. I didn’t know how long they’d been gone, but my ass had gone dead a long time ago and my body was so frozen I wasn’t even shaking anymore—I was just numb.

My stomach was in knots and I felt as though I might puke. My mouth filled with saliva, but I forced myself to swallow, not wanting to show these men how I was really feeling despite my death glares and sharp tongue.

I was scared. So fucking scared.

I heard Rose’s breathing catch on a sob just as Marco stepped back into the cold room.

“Go clean yourself up, Rosalie.” Her father’s tone was not caring and gentle but rather disgusted.

Rose looked over to me as if debating with herself whether to leave me alone with these men. It didn’t matter. I had the feeling if Marco was the type of man to treat his own blood the way he treated Rose, he wouldn’t care if she was in the room while he hurt me. She stood up on shaky legs and started walking to the stairs, stopping in front of her father and looking up at him.

“Please, Daddy—” She didn’t even have time to finish her sentence before she was sent skidding across the floor crying out in pain.

“I told you, you have not yet earned the right to address me that way,” he yelled, the sound booming in the closed space and hurting my ears. He stood over her whimpering body.

“Leave her alone,” I yelled, fighting at my restraints.

He looked up, surprised by my outburst. Bending down, he grabbed a fist full of her hair. “This girl lied to you, she lured you to places and attempted to hurt you and you are speaking up for her?” He shook her and she cried out again.

“Someone needs to speak for her. Obviously, her pathetic excuse for a family won’t,” I spat.

He laughed, the sound more like a witches cackle. He pushed Rose away. She pushed herself to her feet and gave me one last look before disappearing up the stairs. I heard the door shut behind her and I was alone.

Marco walked forward. “You know, for a whore, I suspected that you would be more submissive.” He pondered as though he was just speaking his thoughts out loud. “But then again, losing both your parents at such a young age must’ve been very traumatic for you. Made you grow up a lot faster.”

“I didn’t lose them.” I snapped, my voice cracking. “They were murdered!”

He rolled his eyes. “I know, I was there.”

“So you’re here to finally wipe me out too. The one that got away.”

He shrugged. “Actually, it was just convenient. The club took something from me years ago. When my father was jailed, I expected that I would take over. But the Brothers by Blood came along before I even had a chance and snatched several business deals straight out from under me.” His voice was low but filled with venom and hate.

“You snooze, you lose,” I muttered sarcastically.

Marco stormed at me, his sparkling dress shoes stomping on the floor. He reached out and wrapped his hand around my throat, pulling me up to my feet and making it hard to breath. I could feel his fingers digging into my neck, his nails puncturing my skin.

“Killing your dad, the man who put my father away should have made him happy. But it didn’t.” He held me against the wall and got right in my face. “It’s because of those disgusting bikers that my father handed everything over to my younger brother. Framing them was meant to bring them down, a way to gain our business back, but when that didn’t work, I had nothing. It should have beenmine. I should be running things,not Anthony!”

I could feel small bits of spit on my cheeks. Things began to blur and my head felt heavy. He tossed me to the floor and I bounced, hitting my head on the concrete. I was dazed and groaned as I rolled onto my back, attempting to relieve some of the pressure that I felt in my head. I knew I was bleeding, feeling the blood drip down the side of my head and into my ear.

He pressed his foot over my stomach and slowly began to apply pressure. I gasped for air and my stomach wrenched as I heard a snap. I felt like I’d been stabbed. I couldn’t breathe properly and I was starting to panic. I knew he’d broken one of my ribs and it had probably pierced my lung. I screamed, the pain was so excruciating.

“My father didn’t see the potential I had! He said I was too angry, not level-headed enough.” A sadistic smile appeared on his face. “But I was level-headed enough to organize his demise.”

I heard a gasp.

The room was silent apart from my ragged breathing.

“You told me the club killed Granddad,” Rose whispered. “You said this was what it was all about. Getting revenge on the club for hurting my family.”

I hear Marco scoff loudly. “If the DNA test hadn’t proved it, I would never have believed you were my child. You definitely don’t have the brains.”

Tears poured down my cheeks, I just wanted this to be over now. I wanted it to be done. I was starting to wish he would just shoot me.

I felt her body next to mine, but with the lack of air getting into my lungs, things were beginning to fade in and out. “Oh my God, what have I done?”

I felt her cool hand on my face.
