Page 60 of Powerfully

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“Oh, yummy!”

Claude scowls at me. “That was supposed to be for you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Todd, why didn’t you tell me you were on a date?”

Looking from Claude to Shannon, I shake my head. “I’m not. Claude and I were only catching up.”

“And he hasn’t told me a damn thing!” replies Claude, waving a hand dramatically in the air.

“Oh! What would you like to know?”

“Shannon,” I growl at her.

Rolling her eyes, she moves around me to stand between Claude and me. “Ignore him. He’s a party pooper.”

Claude laughs. It’s not a soft chuckle but a booming sound, causing everyone in the bar to look over at us.

“Party pooper! Oh, I like you!”

The two of them talk like they’re long-lost friends. Shaking my head, I reach into my pocket and check my cell phone. There are no messages from Athena or Kris, and I know they should be at the house by now.

“Have they called?” asks Shannon.


“Has who called?” asks Claude.

“Athena and Kris.”

“Is there a problem?”

Shannon and I exchange a glance.

“I’m sure they’re fine.” I reach out and touch Shannon on her upper arm. “Newlyweds. Probably just having some fun.”

Claude looks puzzled. “Why are we worried about them?”

“They drove out of town and haven’t checked in. It’s the deputy in me coming out.”

Claude looks from Shannon to me and back again. “You’re lying.”

Shannon giggles nervously. “No, we aren’t.”

“Why don’t you call them?” Claude asks.

I give him a tight smile, open my cell phone, and tap on Athena’s number. It rings and eventually goes to voicemail.

“Hey, Athena, just checking on you. Call in, yeah?”

I end the call and then phone Kris and the same thing happens. It rings for a long time, then goes to voicemail.

“Kris, ring me.”

The cell phone slips easily into my jacket, and I look at Shannon’s worried face.

“Maybe we should call Clive?”

Trying to alleviate the tension, I say, “Ahh, Clive. The man you spent most of last night flirting with?”
