Page 3 of Mummy Dearest

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It wouldn’t be the first time a ghost or a spirit or a cursed land had affected weather patterns, but normally that sort of thing ended up on my radar far before my feet hit the ground of those places. I’d heard nothing about the island beyond the existence of the ruin.

“Let’s head in,” he said. “The storm is only going to get worse now that you’re here.”

I had no idea why my presence on the island would make the storms worse, but this was Colton’s island, so I had no choice but to believe him and followed as he pushed on deeper into the woods.

Lightning lit up the sky overhead and more thunder crashed and cracked in the air around us as the darkness seemed to spread, enveloping us until it felt as if twilight had fallen.

“Well, this is ominous,” I muttered as I struggled to keep up with Colton’s long strides ahead of me.

“That’s why we called you in,” Colton agreed.

Another loud rumble of thunder shook the ground beneath us and then it was as if the sky split open and rain poured down in sheets, soaking me instantly even with the cover of trees overhead.

Yeah…maybe I needed to hear about that legend after all.
