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Always justphysicallybut even was joyous.

Their bodies were on fire when, at last, he fumbled his way to retrieve a condom from his wallet and entered her. Her slippery wetness welcomed his hardness, wrapped like honeyed sweetness around his shaft and he was alive to her every moan of intense satisfaction as he thrust long and deep into her.

They came quicker than he wanted, but even as his body stiffened and arched and he felt the exquisite shudder of release he was acknowledging that he didn’t want this to be the first and last of their couplings.

He held her close.


Celia, basking in the warm glow of absolute fulfilment, her mind hazy with every pleasure chemical her body had released during an orgasm that had left her weak, swivelled so that she was half draped over him, her arm resting on his chest and her chin propped in the crook of her elbow.


‘Stay. Here. In bed with me. All day and all night.’

Celia laughed but a little bubble of pleasure swelled inside her because his dark eyes were deadly serious even though there was just a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Alarm bells rang in her head. Spend all day and all night with him? Share his bed? For how long? And what happened next in that scenario?

But her heart was safe. This was sex and she’d flung herself headlong into it because, by gosh, it had been a while.For ever.To be touched, for her body to be alive again after years buried in deep had feltgood, better thangood.

Leandro had opened a door for her to re-enter the living, breathing, vital world she had left behind.

‘I hear the sound of a guy who can’t spend all day working...’ she teased, but her voice was a little breathless.

‘You hear the sound of a guy who’s never had such good sex in his life. It’s the sound of a guy who wants more. Do you? Want more? Of this?’ To emphasise his point, he stroked the curve of her waist and let his hand rest there.

‘While we’re here...’ Celia let that hang in the air between them, willing him to pick up the baton and run with it, to paint a bigger picture than something that would last until the snow melted, but he didn’t.

He said in a soft, sexy purr, while he feathered the soft down between her thighs, ‘While we’re here. The snow’s falling and we’re locked away here until...who knows when? Even when it stops, it’ll be at least a day or so until I can get the helicopter in a fit state to take to the skies. And in the meantime...’

‘In the meantime, we enjoy...this...’

‘We’re on the same page, Celia.’ Leandro sifted his fingers through the tangled copper curls that fanned over her face and shoulders in riotous disarray. He traced the outline of her mouth with his finger. ‘This is fun. I figure we could both do with a little of that. A little no-strings-attached fun.’ He sighed and for a few moments, he fell back to stare at the ceiling and then he held her close against him and said, face averted, ‘I thought I had my life sorted when Julie and I got engaged.’ He turned to her but still held her close to him. ‘You don’t get it, but it was an arrangement that worked for me. I can’t love and this offered friendship without the complications of anything more, while helping her father, repaying a debt. Yes, we would have had, what you might call, an open marriage, but a very, very discreet one.’

‘You’re so cynical, Leandro.’

‘I’m realistic. I have no desire for children, but companionship? Maybe so...’

‘So you have uncomplicated fun here, with me...’

‘And then return to whatever awaits on the personal front. Charles, at least, is sorted as far as his finances go. The rest he will have to come to terms with. And you, my darling...’ he smiled a little more ‘ get to let go of whatever demons you’ve had and return to London refreshed. The perfect guy awaits you out there. Maybe you won’t be afraid to take up the challenge of trying to find him.’

Celia thought that that felt about right. Didn’t it? He should have sounded arrogant in assuming that this brief sojourn was somehow doing her the favour of setting her on the right path of finding true love, that, thanks to him, she was now freed from her demons. He didn’t. He sounded sincere and she was confused because she wasn’t sure whether she liked that or not.

But of course she did, she told herself stoutly.

And she sure as heck still wanted this man. Fiercely and passionately and for as long as she could have him. She curled against him and smiled back, at peace with her decision.

‘Yes, Leandro. While the snow falls...’
