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“Mallory. And this is Hank.” I rubbed Hank’s back and found that he was already starting to settle and yawn.

“Well, Mallory, you hang tight while we get this thing fixed for you.” He patted the roof of the car. “Shouldn’t be too long.”

“Thank you. Really, you’re a lifesaver.”

I rocked Hank back to sleep and managed to get him back in his car seat, buckled in, without waking him. Mac had me start the car and put it in neutral for a minute so they could push the car out of the wedge it was in. Then, it felt like no time passed before Mac was standing next to my door and leaning down to talk to me.

“We got the spare on. You’re going to need to get a new tire and rim, from the looks of it.” He shook his head. “You just hit an unlucky spot.”

I snorted. “You just summed up my day.”

“Were you coming down from Julian’s place?” Mac smiled. “Sorry to be nosy. I’d heard that J had a new woman and kid. I just figured I’d ask. We’re friends of J’s.”

Something in the back of my brain buzzed a warning sound, but I didn’t know why. I forced my smile to remain in place and shook my head. “We’re not his.”

“That’s too bad. J’s a good guy. A little steep with his prices, but I think we can get him talked down to something more to our liking.” Mac’s smile stretched a little too wide. “Especially with a little bargaining power.”

My preservation kicked in, too little, too late. I tried to roll up the window, but Mac shoved his arm in and unlocked the door, pulling it open before I could get it locked again. I was already buckled in, so trying to scoot away from him proved fruitless. “Leave me alone!”

“Relax. No one wants to hurt a hair on your head. You fell into our lap and we’re going to use you, though.” Reaching over me and unbuckling my belt, he pushed at me until I climbed over the console and sat in the passenger seat. “Reba is going to drive. She’s going to follow us to our place and you’re not going to be an asshole about anything because of that sweet little boy sleeping in the back. Okay?”

I snarled at him. “If you touch him, I’ll murder you and your mother.”

Laughing, Mac reached in and roughly patted my cheek. “Damn. I think in other circumstances we really would’ve hit it off. I like a woman with some fire. Keep it to a low burn for now. We’re not going to hurt you, and you’re not going to make us. Got it?”

I shoved his hand away and moved to the backseat to be close to Hank. I couldn’t stop them from taking us where they wanted to. I couldn’t get Hank out and run from them. They’d catch us. If I was to take their word, they weren’t going to hurt us as long as I kept my cool. I wasn’t taking their word, though. “Do what you’re going to do.”

He laughed and motioned for a woman who’d been riding on the back of another bike to come over. “This is Reba. Be good and maybe she’ll even braid your hair tonight.”

“Fuck you.”

“Remind me to ask J how he handles a little firecracker like you.” He closed the door once Reba was settled and leaned in. “Stay close. We’ll have someone behind, too.”

“Got it.” Reba looked through the rearview mirror at me and scowled. “You heard him. Try anything, and you’ll regret it.”

I glared back at her and leaned into Hank, draping myself over him. I didn’t want them even looking at him. I was livid but more terrified than I’d ever been in my life. I was being kidnapped. Gently, but still. I would’ve fought if not for Hank. I knew you weren’t supposed to let someone move you to a second location. I’d fought back against handsy men my entire life. I could definitely handle the scrawny twat in the front seat. None of it mattered, though, because I couldn’t chance anything happening to Hank.

“It’s okay, baby. Momma’s not going to let anything happen to you.” I whispered to Hank and stroked his perfect little cheeks. “We’re going to have a long talk with your father when this is all over, though.”

“Shut up back there.” Reba, clearly high on her power trip, swerved the car enough to sling me around and get us dangerously close to driving right off the side of the mountain. “Or I’ll make you shut up.”

I covered Hank again, triple-checking his buckles before closing my eyes and keeping my head down. I just had to play nice and hope for the best. I wasn’t great at either of those things, but I had to try. For Hank.
