Page 28 of Zander & Zsanine

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“Call your fuckin’ sister. We need to know where Zsanine is. If you tip her off, put Zsanine in greater jeopardy, your fate is sealed.”

Zander did not relent. He wouldn’t relent until he knew where to find the love of his life. He pushed the gun down further. Alessa gagged loud enough that it disturbed her sister’s soul.

“I’m making the call,” Gianna cried. “Please don’t hurt her.”

She spoke to deaf ears. Shakily, her fingers pressed the number to Bianca’s phone. Gianna felt that if she called Bella directly that she would react in such a way that put the entire family at risk. Bianca was the safest bet if there was such a thing as safest. Her heart was beating so hard in her chest that it nearly took Gianna’s breath away. When the phone rang, Gianna was nervous. She tried to calm herself so she didn’t give anything away on the phone. If she did, Gianna knew they would kill her and her sister without hesitation. She put the phone on speaker because she didn’t have a choice but to do so.

“Bianca, I need to know where you are.”

As desperately as Gianna tried to sound normal, something was off, and Bianca picked up on it immediately.

“What’s the matter, Gianna?”

“That doesn’t matter,” Gianna replied, trying even more to regulate her breathing and her tone. “I need to know where you are?”

Now Bianca’s stomach tightened. Her adrenaline coursed fiercely through her veins. Something was wrong.

“It matters, G,” Bianca insisted. “I can tell something is wrong.”

“Please, Bianca, just tell me.”

“Uhn, uhn, uhn,” Bianca heard. The sound was choked and muffled, but she heard it.

“What’s that?”

“Give me the address now, dammit!”

Bianca relinquished. Her curiosity and concern would have to wait.

“4521 Mullings Lane.”

“Listen to me. Don’t tell Bella anything. Do you hear me? Don’t tell her we talked.”

“I won’t,” Bianca acquiesced. “But I’m scared, Gianna.”

She wanted to confirm her sister’s feelings. She should be scared. But Gianna knew if she said anything, that would be the end.

“Just don’t say anything to Bella,” she reiterated, her tone softer as she attempted to be reaffirming. “It’ll be alright.”
