Page 34 of Zander & Zsanine

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“I’ll be fine,” Zsanine continued, hearing silence on the other end of the line. “I’ll call, I promise.”

It wasn’t what they wanted to hear, but they had to accept it and focus on the fact that she was safe. Brigham ended the call.

“Are you sure about this?” Mustapha asked, still standing close to his sister. He was appreciative of what Zander and his family had done. Still, Mustapha wanted to be there for his sister. By being there, he wouldn’t have to worry about her.

“I am,” Zsanine replied. She knew they didn’t understand. That was okay. Zsanine didn’t have the energy nor the desire to try and convince anyone of anything.

She felt a new energy, familiar energy behind her. Turning on her heels, Zander came into view. He moved closer to her, their eyes connecting in a gaze that only they understood. Zsanine took a step in Zander’s direction, finding solace in his gaze.

“Take me home.”

Zander didn’t hesitate to move forward. He swept Zsanine into the bend of his arm and held her close, his strength advancing their forward movement. He, like she, had no time for explanation. His brothers would handle anything her brothers needed to know. Zander’s only concern was getting Zsanine as far away from the place where she had been treated so badly. Isaac fell into place and opened the back passenger car door so his charges could get in. Zsanine immediately rested on Zander once they were in the car. For the first time in what felt like forever, she felt truly safe. He loved the way she felt next to him. Zander missed that feeling. Zsanine was where she belonged, with him, a place where he never wanted her to be away from again.

“Your place or mine?” Zander asked, only wanting to do whatever pleased her.

