Page 129 of The Society

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I continue forth.

At the bathroom door. I flatten myself on the ground and look underneath the stalls. Nothing. Also, no dicks. No feet either.


The smoke and noise come from the Suspiro Room. Aside from tossed items and looking like we got vandalized, the room looks peaceful, so I move forward until the right side of the lobby is no longer obstructed. The entrance table is exactly where it had been, with the little rooster on top and the guest book. From the window, I see no one standing outside.

No one is on Pink Street.

Déjà vu tingles my sixth sense and I get up in case I need to bolt through the front door.

“Styx?” I whisper as I aim for the Suspiro Room, checking underneath tables as I go.

Some are overturned, the glass on the vitrines is shattered—blood on some of the glass shards.

To shut my eyes for a second, I lower myself down and rest on my calves, near a stack of wooden paddles, some splintered.

More blood.

And… some more, smeared on the ground, leading toward the Suspiro Room.

More not good signs.

“Styx?” I barely make out the words as I picture someone dragging his body into the flames.

I don’t think he’s going to answer.

Glass breaking makes noise. I mean the plastic and stuff doesn’t but… wood cracking, fighting. How did I not hear this?

I did fall asleep.

But my hair was wet on the stairs, it couldn’t have been for long.

Then again, with both doors shut, not a lot of sound gets up there. It was peaceful in my room. And I also had Mama Rosa’s portable old TV on while I … to keep my mind busy.


I must have zoned out. It was so quiet.

Except I don’t remember turning off the TV.

Actually, I don’t remember putting it on either.

It was in Mama Rosa’s room, and I didn’t go in there.

A quick glance toward the hallway has me on my feet again. Less scared, more antsy as I evaluate the area. Where’s the motion detector Styx put on top of the table?

A troubling thought pops into my head…Did he do all of this?

It’s quickly refuted with evidence. No… the blood. There was a struggle. Maybe it’s the mobsters.

“Styx?” With a boost of energy, I aim back toward the hallway, hoping he’s upstairs. But I don’t get very far.

The detector goes off again in French, the noise comes from the Suspiro Room.

They weren’t there before…

