Page 139 of The Society

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“I don’t give a shit about the thirty grand. Keep it… What are you going to do with the girl?”

I’m going to keep her.

“She knows too much,mijo. She’s a liability.”

He can’t have her.

“I’m not done with her yet. She worked for the mob, at one of their strip clubs, I think she knows things that can help me find my cousin’s body, so I can bury her next to family.” It’s not a lie, but it’s also not the reason I brought Neve with me.

Dad sucks in air through his teeth. I can picture him shaking his head, while he mumbles, “Always comes back to your cousin.”

“I almost died for you and I covered your ass, I think that garners me a favor form El Inmortal.”

“First, adjust that tone. And second… you want to waste a favor, from me, on Neve Cassidy, a nobody from Pink Street?”

“Yes.” She’s somebody to my mother, to me.

He clucks his tongue. “Love is the stupidest reason to do anything,” he warns. “There’s so much more I can offer. Favors from me seldom comes around twice, unless you plan on almost dying for me again.”

“I’d die for you as many times as needed,” I give my father what he craves, admiration and loyalty, then I add, “It’s not love.”

“Not yet.” My father takes a deep breath and gives the driver instructions to call one of his men. French is spoken on the other line, which makes me think there’s probably a hit out on Neve already. “Favor granted,mijo. She can stay alive on my account, but fair warning… I’m not the only one she has to worry about. I’ll pull a few strings if you want.”

That means I’d owe him a favor.That’s how my father works. He never grants one without getting one in return. Asking him for more details will only increase my debt, so I bite my tongue. “I appreciate it.”

“Bueno, así quedamos con nuestro plan. Mucha suerte con esa muñequita, mijo, pero creo que no vale la pena.”

“I think she’s worth it.” I glance up at Neve, wondering exactly what she’s gotten me into and who she’s pissed off in the past.

“El tiempo dirá…” He hangs up.

Yes, only time will tell.

Epilogue: Banger


“Where are we going?” Neve asks as we step into the science building at Stonewall University, her hand loosely on my elbow.

“I told you, I have to talk to a friend about getting you set up here.”

She sighs and straightens her spine. “I’ll wait outside.”

“You don’t have to.” I drop a kiss to her forehead. “That’s Carbon. Why don’t you go get us something to eat while I go upstairs and check if she’s in.” The coffee shop is right on the first floor, so I point toward it and give her a fifty-dollar bill.

By now, she knows better than to refuse my help. She pulled that in Paris when she insisted on wearing that frumpy getaway outfit everywhere. I ripped it to shreds and had a personal shopper at the hotel provide the weekend wardrobe. This outfit she picked all on her own. I’m partial to the “bonjour” sweater, and I like the access a skirt provide. The tights, I could do without, but they make her feel comfortable, and she deserves that.

Neve takes the cash and slips into the small purse in her hand. “Thanks. What do you want?”

“A croissant in Paris?” I joke. We both miss the little hideaway.

She smiles. “Anything flakey. Got it.”

As she heads toward the glass doors, I notice her muscles are tight, nearly up to her ears. Her hand curls around the handle, but she takes a deep breath and stops to read the some science shit on a flyer.

“You okay, Snow?”

Whipping around, the skirt twirls all the way up to those sexy touching thighs. “Yeah... I’m just. It’s been a while since I did anything science related. I kind of left it behind me and never looked back.”
