Page 156 of The Society

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Her pretty smile falters as the dean turns his back on her and sits on the couch opposite me.

“It’s a privilege to help,” replies Amelia.

Smirking, I say, “Yes, watching me sleep and then walking me over was a monumental task. Run along.” I wave a hand in her direction and then stare at Jonathan Stonewall.

I hear her intake of breath, and I know I’ve wounded her, but Amelia should run from this university and not be one of its pawns. The dean looks at me, lips turned down, his gaze goes past me to Amelia, and he smiles. She says nothing. I hear the door open and close, then his eyes come to mine.

“That wasn’t very nice.”

I shrug. “Have I proved myself?”

“Tell me, Simon, what are your ambitions?”

“My family has longed for one of us to go higher within the political arena. I’m thinking President of the United States.”

His eyes widen, and he smirks. “President?”

“You’ve done it before.”

Stonewall cocks his head to the side. Studying me. After a moment, he leans forward, elbows on his knees.

“For that to happen, we need to know if there are any skeletons in your closet. Is there anything we should know?”

“You mean besides a murder?”

He smiles. “Date rape, homosexual tendencies, kinky sexual behavior, any kind of protest march. I mean, anything that might possibly hurt you politically. I’m sure you can understand we can’t have any kind of scandal for the future President of the United States.”

Inwardly, I’m stunned. Sure, I’d like to go into politics, and I’ve joked about being President, but I never actually thought it was possible. Even my jab about ‘You’ve done it before’ was pure conjecture. The Scorpio Society has a much longer reach than even I thought possible.

“Nothing. I’ve come through high school with nothing by high grades. I helped at the local homeless shelter, and now I’m here at the university. You know I’m an open book.

“Yes, but one can never know the true inner feelings of an individual, the person they hide underneath. If you have any of those… perversions, my suggestion is to never give in and keep them buried.”

I ask, “Did you watch the file?”

Stonewall nods. “God might forgive you, but hell is still waiting.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means we’ll, noI’llhelp you fill your political ambitions. You’re going to make us all proud.”

Nodding, I stand. “Yeah, but you’ll always have the file on me, won’t you?”

“The murder?” A smile goes across his smug face, and he nods.

So many powerful people have come through Stonewall University, and I’m wondering how many of them Jonathan Stonewall has in his pocket.

Taking a deep breath, I turn and leave his office. He thinks he has me now and that I’ll forever be in his debt. If I stay, my future will be all mapped out for me. I’m sure they’ll find me the perfect wife, the perfect fast track to President, and I’ll be nothing more than a puppet but one that my family will finally be proud of.

Dear old dad is in for a hell of a disappointment.

Jonathan Stonewall

The USB is in my vault along with many other damaging documents, videos, and recordings of some of the students who have passed through Stonewall University. Most I have never had to use or even let the student know I have this kind of information on them. It’s all an insurance policy to keep them in line should they need it.

The view from my office is the best on campus. It’s been a week since I’ve seen Simon. He’s disappeared, but I know he’ll return soon enough. My people tested the blood at the warehouse, and there’s no way someone could have survived losing that much blood. The Wraith, aka Jamison Felder, is a thorn in my side no more.

He completely fractured a deal with Iran to mine lithium. It has one of the largest untapped deposits in the world, and I’m sure I’ve lost billions. We’ll eventually find a way in, but with his interference, it’s put us back years. It’s the reason Jamison Felder had to die.
