Page 164 of The Society

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“Want to go for a swim?”


“A walk?”

“Hmm… okay.”

Ann stretches, then rolls out of the hammock, propelling me onto the ground at her feet.

“Thanks!” I laugh.

Ann grins. “How else am I supposed to get out?”

“Next time, we can do it together.”

Ann giggles. “Come on, let’s walk.”

Scrambling to my feet, Ann holds out her hand. We walk hand-in-hand, ambling down the beach to our hut over the water. The word ‘hut’ doesn’t do it justice—it has all the amenities of a five-star hotel with twenty-four-hour butler service.

Ann walks in and throws herself on the bed. “Wanna fool around?”

Sitting on the bed, I ask, “What’s next for us?”

“We can go anywhere, do anything.”

Shaking my head, I look her in the eyes. “I want more.”

Ann cocks her head to the side. “Like what?”

“A home, a life, a reason for living.”

Ann scooches closer to me, puts one leg over my lap, and wraps her arms around me. “We can have that.”

“What about the Scorpio Society?”

“What about them? We didn’t hurt them. You know, all the information on everyone else is kept in multiple vaults all over the place. The only information they lost was yours. You’re free.”

“They won’t see it that way.”

“Do you really think Jonathan Stonewall will reveal to anyone that he no longer has the dirt on people? From the little I know, he didn’t even want anyone knowing he was in business with my father.”

Frowning, I know she’s right. Stonewall trades in knowing people’s secrets and using those tidbits of information against them to further his own ambitions. He’s probably in the process of getting copies and upping his security.

The stealing of the artwork was the hardest to accomplish. It meant tracking down every thief who’d been hired by Stonewall, and finding out where they’d screwed up in infiltrating the security system. It was all Hank’s idea, and he’d been planning it for months. All he needed was an excuse to follow through. Hell, he even had buyers lined up.

When Stonewall asked me to kill Hank, it was all he needed to follow through with his plan. Now, here we are—young, rich, and living the high life.

“Do you really think Stonewall isn’t doing everything within his power to find us?”

“We’re leaving tomorrow. It’s a private plane, so no one will even know we’re on it. Relax, baby.” Her hand drops to my crotch. “Everything is going to be okay.”

Cupping her face in my hands, I kiss her. Ann swivels, so she’s straddling me. My cock goes hard, and one of my hands travels up under her tank top.


Ann moves off me so quickly, she lands on her ass on the floor.

“Hello! Anyone here?”
