Page 180 of The Society

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The man is distasteful, but he’s been useful on more than one occasion. He seemingly had no morals or fear for anyone, but here he is, scared of a man with a voice.

“And Stonewall, if you’re smart, you’ll keep out of this guy’s crosshairs.”

Bernardo nods at me, strides to the door, opens it, and hurries out of the room. I follow him to the door and peer out. The way he’s moving, you’d swear someone was chasing him. Shutting the door, I lock it and go back to my painting. Of course, I’ll have to have it assessed, but it looks like the real thing, and she appears to be in perfect condition.

The phone on my desk rings. Absently, I pick up the receiver. “Yes?”

“Did you get it?”

Sitting in my chair, I say, “Hello, Jamison. Yes, I gotWoman Three.”


“Why?” I ask, incredulous he’d take such a risk.

“Think of it as a peace offering. I’m sorry about the boy, but I couldn’t leave a loose end, a way for you to contact me. Simon had to go.”

“You made it look like suicide. His parents are distraught.”

Laughter filters down the line. “I doubt that.”

It’s true the Bartlett family is only concerned with how a suicide might affect their standing within the community. They have a PR company spinning the tragedy as we speak. Although they’re upset, he was their last chance for a political win.


“Yes, Jonathan?”

“Iwillfind you.”

More laughter. “No,you won’t.”

The line goes dead, and I stare at the receiver.

Jamison Felder is the master at vanishing. I probably won’t find him, but maybe I’ll get lucky with his daughter or maybe he’ll slip up.

Even wraiths make mistakes occasionally.



aka Hank O’Day

aka Jamison Boulder


Am I safe?


But then, from the day I joined the CIA, I’ve been living in the shadows.

From now on, I’ll keep an eye on Stonewall University, Jonathan Stonewall, and his Scorpio Society. The money we made from his artwork will last me and mine a lifetime. Hell, longer than that.

Stonewall hasn’t disclosed all his secrets to the founding families, especially the ones about me. You see, that’s the problem with secret societies, there’s always a weak link, someone who will trade information for a better position, and Simon pushed Amelia Brewster into thinking she was low fruit on the tree.

It was easy for me to give her a gentle nudge in the right direction. She does not know who I am, but we exchange information. She doesn’t enjoy being treated as though she’s just window dressing. The young woman has skills. Amelia is adept at blending in and listening while no one pays her any attention. If Stonewall University doesn’t work out for her, she’d make a great CIA Special Operations Operative.
