Page 186 of The Society

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The other cocked a brow as he took a slow drag from his cigarette. “Oh, the little guy was a good cover. I like what you did there. No one would be the wiser that you stole his wallet right after you saved him from getting his ass kicked even more by those two fools.”

How the hell did these two see that? I hadn’t noticed them when I was out there, and I noticed everything.

“Don’t worry.” He took a drag and slowly let it out. “We don’t care. In fact, we thought you’d be perfect for helping us out if you want to make some extra money.”

I could always use extra money. I was living in a piece of shit apartment that was cold as hell last winter, and school was eating up every penny I had.

“Ah, look at his eyes light up, and he doesn’t even know what it is yet,” the other one laughed.

“As long as it’s not gay porn, I don’t care.” I sat my backpack down on the ground by my legs and crossed my arms over my chest. “What will I have to do?”

“What’s wrong with gay porn?” They both said at the same time.

Were they boyfriends?

“Nothing, but I’m not interested in guys, so there’s no way in hell I’m going to be fucking some guy for money.”

“I’ve heard that before and then…” the thinner one shrugged with a smirk.

“I’ll never be that desperate. No offense if you two are boyfriends or whatever.”

They turned to look at each other and then started to laugh hysterically. I wasn’t sure what was so funny, but whatever. Maybe they were just fucking with me and wanted me in on some threesome.

“You just made my day.” The one who was smoking on a wheezy laugh. “We’re brothers, and before you say anything,” he held his hand up. “We don’t fuck. There’s no incest happening in this family.”

Well, that was good to know. I didn’t have an innocent mind, but it sure as hell didn’t go there.

“Good to know.” I lifted a brow at them. “What is your way of making money?”

They looked at each other and had a silent conversation, and then finally nodded. When they turned back to me, they had matching smirks on their faces. It was then I could see the resemblance.

“Meet us tomorrow at four o’clock at the skate park,” the skinny one said.

“Do I at least get to know your names before I meet you tomorrow?”

They both shrugged at the same time, one their left shoulder and the other their right. It was weird.

“I’m Alejandro,” the skinny one said. “But you can call me Ale.”

Throwing down his cigarette and then stepping on it with his heel, the other one smirked. “I’m Armando.”

“I’m Bash.”

Matching smirks lit up their faces. “We know.” I wanted to ask them how they knew but didn’t get the chance before they walked off. I had a feeling those two were trouble, and we were going to have a lot of fun.

I’d been dragging ass all day. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I couldn’t sleep last night. It didn’t help that I’d run out of coffee and hadn’t been to the store yet to buy more. There was no way in hell I was hitting up the local Starbucks on campus and paying five dollars for a fucking coffee. I’d rather be tired than waste my money.

Parking my bike in the parking lot, I scanned for the brothers but didn’t see them. If they stood me up, I would kill them the next time I saw them.

Getting off my bike, I placed my helmet on the seat and walked out into the open park. My hands clenched at my sides as I looked around. There were plenty of people here on their skateboards, but not the brothers. Just as I was about to turn around and head back to my bike, I spotted them. There were far off to the side with their backs turned, making it hard to recognize them. One of them shook hands with someone, and then the other person walked off, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Moving around the outside of the crowd, I made my way toward the brothers but slowed my pace and observed as someone else stepped up to them. They said a few words. Alejandro slipped his hand into the pocket of his jeans and then shook hands with the guy before the interaction was over. I had a pretty good idea of what was going on here.

As if they could hear me walking, they turned as one and landed their dark eyes on me. I wasn’t sure how they heard me. I was stealthy, and no one ever heard me as I approached them—no one except for that smoke show that took me by surprise in the alley. Damn, that was hot. What I wouldn’t give to see her in a dark alley and have her push me up against the rough brick to have her way with me again.

There was nothing sexier than a woman who knew what she wanted.

I dug the blunt tips of my fingernails into the palm of my hand as I tried to ward myself from thoughts of that night. I didn’t want to roll up on these guys with a hard-on trying to bust through my zipper. Taking a deep breath, I focused my mind on the task at hand: these two dudes and how I could make my money so I wasn’t scraping by for the next couple of years.
