Page 193 of The Society

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What kind of world had I condemned myself to?


There was a soft tap on my door before Santi walked inside my sanctuary. He took one look at me and halted in his steps.

“Where the fuck is Pablo?” I growled out as I looked at the spreadsheet. The numbers were chaos, and I had no idea what was wrong with them. That’s why I had Pablo. He was my left-hand man. He handled the numbers, but he’d been MIA all fucking day. Santi was my right-hand man. He was my bodyguard and my best friend.

“He’s doing work for the society today. I thought he told you.” He eyed me up and down before he sat across from me.

“Hedidn’t tell me shit, and I’m sitting here looking at this fucking spreadsheet,hisspreadsheet, and can’t make any sense of it. Something’s off, but I don’t know what.”

This was what I got for not handling it myself and doing it the way I wanted, but there was only so much time in the day, and I couldn’t do everything.

Santi got up and came around my desk to look at the spreadsheet and then threw his hands up in the air. “I have no fucking clue what I’m looking at. It gives me a headache just trying to figure it out.”

I felt the same way.

Closing my laptop, I swiveled my chair to look at my best friend. “Do you know when Ale and Army’s friend has his test?”

He cocked his head and then shook it. “You know I don’t. Why the interest?”

“He’s making us money, and if he ends up dead, we’ll have to find someone to replace him. There’s only so much the twins can do while actually attending college.”

Santi rolled his eyes and moved to sit back in the seat he’d vacated. “Yes, they might have to stop partying and fucking all the time.”

There was a bite in Santi’s words that had me wondering if he was jealous of them. We never had the chance to go to college. Instead, we were thrust headfirst into our roles when our father died, and before that, we did whatever our father instructed us to do.

“Don’t look at me like that. I don’t give a shit what they do, but you baby them too much. Hell, they probably don’t even do their own homework and pay some chick or some nerd so they can make good grades.”

Santi was probably right. If the twins could find a way out of doing their work, they would. It was safe to assume they hadn’t done their own homework in years.

Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, Santi raised one lone brow. “Are you ready to get out of here? I have plans for tonight that I’d rather not have to cancel.”

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I opened my laptop back up. “You go on ahead. I have some more work I need to do, but I’d hate for you to miss out on your date.”

“It’s not a date,” he shot back so fast I knew it was exactly that.

“You know you’re free to have a love life. Don’t let me or work stop you.”

“The same thing goes for you. All you do is work. You’re either here or at the house with only family around. You should get out and do something with Bree or go to a book club or something.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Oh my god, can you imagine me at a book club? First, I don’t want to read their boring-ass books, and second… just no. Eventually, I’ll find my thing, and until then, I’m happy with you by my side.”

“Now you’re making me feel bad for leaving you here. Do you want me to send one of the guards here to watch over you and escort you to your car?”

“I’m perfectly capable on my own. No one knows about this place, and if they try to take me on the road, I’ll sideswipe them.”

“Damn, sis, you’re hardcore,” he laughed, but he knew it was true.

Dismissing him with a shoo of my hand, I settled into my chair, preparing for a long night. “Go and have fun for me.”

He stood and came around to kiss me on the cheek. “Text me when you’re leaving and when you get home, so I know you’re good.”

“I will. Now get out of here.”

I watched as he left and got back to work. It was two hours later when I was finally done and ready to go home. My eyes were bleary from looking at my computer screen for so long as I texted Santi that I was leaving and slipped out into the cool night. Pulling my hood over my head, I hunkered down in my jacket as the cold air hit my skin. The heel of my boot got stuck in a crack of one of the cobblestones, irritating the fuck out of me. I bent down to dislodge my heel when I heard someone coming up behind me.

I whirled around to see Sebastian coming at me with a knife in his hand.
