Page 194 of The Society

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“What the fuck?” I gasped as I fell on my ass and started to rip off my boot.

The second Sebastian saw me, he ran to my side, and bent down to help.

I pushed him away and stood with only one boot on. “What are you doing here?”

“Some test. What are you doing here?” He looked around the area as if he was looking for someone else.

“It doesn’t matter why I’m here. What’s your test?” I hissed as I took an uneven step back.

“There was supposed to be someone coming out of the church with a hood on. When I saw the person, I was supposed to kill whoever it was. That’s some fucked up test. Did you do this?”

“I didn’t have to kill anyone, but yes, I took the test.” I looked over my shoulder at the church, knowing I was the only person here, and I was most likely the target since I always put my hood up when I wore my coat. “I think you were sent to kill me.”

Sebastian’s knife fell to the ground, and a second later, a shot rang out.


Throwing myself over Arely, I tried to look over my shoulder to see where the threat was but couldn’t see anything. This damn church’s security was shit. There was one lone light at the side exit Arely came out of. Whoever sent me to kill her knew I wouldn’t be seen, and neither would they.

My arms tightened around her thin frame and hugged her to me even more. Leaning in, I spoke so only she could hear me. “Are you okay?” I waited for a long moment, and when Arely didn’t answer, I knew something was wrong. She couldn’t be in shock. Hell, the woman attacked me when I tried to rob her. She was calm when I told her I was sent to kill someone.


Pulling back, I laid her on the ground and turned her over. There was a big red spot that was growing by the second, sweeping through the white material on her abdomen. Her usually sparkling eyes were closed, and her body was lifeless on the cold, wet ground.

“Arely,” I rushed out as I put one hand over the blood and pressed down. Using my other hand, I placed two fingers at the pulse point on her neck and prayed to a God I didn’t believe in for her to be alive. She had a pulse, but it was weak.

What the fuck do I do now?

Her warm blood coated my hand as I tried to stop the bleeding, snapping me out of my freak out. I needed to call an ambulance before whoever ordered this hit was successful and then killed me as well.

Pulling out my phone with a shaking hand, I unlocked it and quickly dialed 911.

“911, what’s your emergency?” A male voice answered.

“My…“ Fuck, what was Arely to me? I couldn’t say boss, and she wasn’t my friend. There was no category for us. “My girlfriend’s been shot. We’re at a church.” For a brief second, my mind seized as I tried to remember the address that had been in the envelope I’d received only two hours ago. It was amazing how much your life could change in such a short period of time.

I rattled off the address and hung up. Sitting down on the ground, I ripped my off hoodie, pulled Arely into my arms, and pressed the sweatshirt to her wound, all the while trying to keep an eye on our dark surroundings. What if whoever shot her was still out there?

As I put more pressure on the wound, she moaned in pain. Even though the sound was agonizing to hear, I was just happy to know she was still alive.

“Arely, stay with me. I called an ambulance, and it should be here soon. Don’t give up on me,” I demanded.

Even in the dark, I could see she was pale, probably from all the blood loss. Her big brown eyes fluttered open, and I swear my heart nearly stopped as I watched a lone tear streak down her cheek.

“It’s going to be okay.” I tried to reassure her. “Help will be here any second.”

I think she tried to nod her head, but she wasn’t quite successful. Instead, it only listed over to the side until her face was flush with my naked chest.

“Seb…” her words stopped as her eyes slowly started to close once more.

“No, no, no.” I shook her in my arms until, with heavy lids, she eventually opened her eyes enough to look at me. “You are not dying on me. This is not how our story is going to end.”

Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she managed to get out one word. “Danger.”

My gaze tracked up to scan our surrounding area. “I know. I’m keeping a lookout.” There was a noise to our right, but it was so dark I couldn’t see anything. Arely’s tiny, cold fingertips skated along my neck, making me look down.

“Don’t let them get me,” she said shakily.
