Page 2 of The Society

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But the gorgeous man in front of me never lifted his gaze from mine. What happened next seemed to be in slow motion. The big man advanced, thrust out a closed hand, and caught my eye candy in the gut with his fist. Then, Eye Candy moved like a bolt of lightning, striking back with a viciousness I’d never actually witnessed before, cutting the bald buffoon down with a left, then a couple rights, and another big left. The roars of the crowd grew until I couldn’t even hear myself,ifI’d tried to say a word. I could only watch, mesmerized.

An uppercut from the blue-eyed god of a man, followed by a solid clothes-line chop to the other dude’s throat, ended the onslaught. Silence descended over the crowd.

The men.

Everyone. My own breaths became audible, my heartbeat—even the fucking excitement pulsing through my veins.

The rest of the room was bathed in complete silence, until the man who’d fascinated me made eye contact again. And his entire body tensed. His fingers curled tighter into fists, knuckles white, muscles taut, corded, the hint of a smile on his face as he cocked a brow at me. Or maybe I imagined it, but real or not, it didn’t change the message.

He’s going to kill him.

Anticipation welled in my stomach. I wanted it to happen. Wanted to witness it and be as much a part of it as a spectator could be. Need throbbed in the deep shadowy parts of me where my darkness simmered. I waited, breath held, for the punch that would end it all, that would turn my gorgeous giant into tonight’s fantasy man. I was wet now, just thinking about it.

The larger man took a hit to the face that sent him sprawling. He slammed onto the floor, and the crowd burst into chaos.

As the surge of spectators made the same decision, I stepped forward. And instead of fighting it, I let them sweep me along—away from the center of the ring, toward the side of the room, where the two fighters would eventually step down.

The blue-eyed man surprised me then, by offering the big guy a hand up, and they moved away from one another.

A small blonde girl threw herself into the bald guy’s arms. I knew her. Recognized her, anyway, and she stole the attention I’d had focused on the men while they fought.

Moni. I’d met her at the coffee shop last week. She was sweet. Too sweet for the big dude, with the scowl on his face, as he shouted at her and pushed her away from him.Dick.

She was too far away for me to hear her response. Whatever it was, though, set him off. She didn’t have to step back before he swung his open hand around to smack her. Blood erupted from her nose while mine boiled.

For three full seconds—three too many—I didn’t move. But his hand twisted into her shirt, and with the other, he hit her again. She shrieked, folding to her knees.

Fuck no.

I moved, weaving and sliding through the throng of people, the gaps between them, like they were nothing, until I managed to climb to where he stood, still towering over her. He looked at me, glanced once, then reached to pick Moni up by the throat. I wasn’t having it. Without a word, I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. I put every pound of pressure I could muster into it.

No one said a single thing to me, but the ass-bag went down, and Moni gasped as he let her go. Before he could say a word or move his hands away from his balls that he clutched almost comically, I kicked him again. This time, in the throat. Because, fuck him.

“Don’t. Fucking. Touch. Her.” I leaned forward until he could likely smell my breath—until our eyes met. Mine were enraged, and in his, were a type of pain I relished. But the fuck-stick deserved it.

My brother had taught me how to fight before he’d joined the military. He’d made sure I learned how to use my small size to my advantage. And it didn’t hurt that my boots were heavy as fuck.

Big Douche-Canoe gasped for air, trying to figure out if his balls were still attached, but I was too busy helping Moni up to care much about him.

“Are you okay?” I stepped over the big ass-face, but Moni shook her head and took a hesitant step back.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Rylie.” Her voice trembled and she sounded scared. Hell, she looked scared. “I’ve got to go.”


Moni ran like the devil himself was after her and I almost gave chase, but someone got in my way.

“Get the fuck out of the way, Roman.” Big Fuck-Stick roared from behind me, making me flinch at the rage in his voice. “Fuckin’ bitch kicked me for no reason.”

Hell, I should have kicked him harder.

“No, Lars.” Roman, the blue-eyed stranger, crossed his muscular arms over his chest. Hisnow-clothedchest. “She’s mine. And you know the rules. You don’t touch what belongs to me.”

His voice sent a trill racing down my spine. Anticipation and rage warred for the spotlight, and my anger won out.

“I don’tbelongto anyone,” I told them both, letting my almost-nuclear attitude out to play. “You’re fucking lucky I only kicked you. If I had a knife, I would’ve cut your fucking dick off.” I poked Lars in the chest and ignored the groans and winces coming from the people watching us. “That’s what we do to men who think it’s their right to put their hands on a woman. Unless you’re fucking her, and she asks for it.” I cocked an eyebrow and scowled. No way was this guy getting laid without force and fear.

More than a few laughs burst out in the crowd, but Lars didn’t say anything to me. Instead, he locked eyes with Roman, and some sort of silent communication passed between them.
