Page 22 of The Society

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“Oh, yeah. I was hoping we could… talk.” The pause was intentional, and I smiled, tilting my head. So there was no doubt what I meant, I drifted a fingertip between my breast, the sides of which were exposed by the slit in the fabric that left the valley between my boobs bare. He licked his lips and I had him. “Should we go into your office? I was hoping for some privacy.”

He nodded slow, his gaze still locked on my tits. I pressed full-frontal close, and his dick twitched against my belly. He twisted to unlock the door and threw his bag and jacket onto the small sofa as soon as we were inside. He backed me against the wall and lowered his head to kiss my throat.

I moved around him when he came up for air and sauntered toward the desk. Ineededto be by the desk. I sat in the center of an almost-clean blotter. “I have a fantasy.”Thank you, Roman.

And now I really did have a fantasy that had nothing to do with this guy, but he walked toward me, his smile lecherous as he came around the desk and forced my legs apart so he could stand between them. I sat up, letting him press his mouth against my throat again. I curled my fingers into his hair, nails scraping his scalp, so I could hold him there.

I needed him busy so I could open the drawer and my purse and plant this shit. I slid the strap down my shoulder and pulled the fabric of my dress to the side so my breast was bare in front of him.

“Fuck.” He pressed his palm over it and squeezed like it was an udder, then twisted my nipple just enough to hurt before he pushed me back and lowered his head. I sat up and opened my purse to retrieve the packets with my free hand, then when I had them in my palm, I reached for the handle.

He was still slobbering on my tit, but he used one arm to pull me forward as he lifted my dress with the other and continued to suck like he was breastfeeding. And when his fly brushed my clit, I jerked and dropped the baggies. Fuck! I was going to end up having to fuck this guy because I couldn’t think of another way to keep him busy so he wouldn’t notice me framing him.

I shoved him back and someone—my badly-timed savior—knocked on the door. “Shit.”

His dick was a tent in his khakis, but I wasn’t bothered. I adjusted the dress and put my boob away, then slid off his desk, bent, pretending to adjust my shoe, but really to pick up the baggies. I only found two and couldn’t exactly crawl under his desk to find the last one, so I made a decision to leave it.

The door opened, and I stood as Roman poked his head around the heavy wood. “Sorry. I was looking for the restroom, saw the light on.”

The professor scowled. “We were in the middle of a consultation about her senior project.” Too much explanation.

“Yeah, sorry. You know how these old buildings are.” Roman eyed me even as he smiled. He was playing the naïve country boy, even added a slight accent, although for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why. “I love all the old architecture and got a little lost.”

I tried to slide the drawer open while Roman kept the professor busy, but it was locked and there was no way I was getting into it today.Dammit.

I moved around the desk and picked up my clutch, dropped the drugs back inside and smiled up at Roman. “Hawthorne, right?” I held out my hand. “Riley Keller.”

“Miss Keller.” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles. “I would be happy to accompany you back to the party if you’re finished here.”

I glanced at the professor whose glare at Roman had the focus of a laser. “We can continue this another time?”


“I’ll let you know.” I would have to go back. I failed in my mission.

I slipped my arm around Roman’s, sauntered out of the office, and the door slammed behind us. Professor Harrison was not happy. But neither was I. I’d failed.

Roman laid his hand over mine and tugged me into the quiet of the hallway. “Did you let him touch you?”

“No.” I did what was required to carry out the mission. There was a difference.

He smiled down at me. “Are you ready to go?”

The danger and adrenaline still burning through my veins were intoxicating, and I stopped in the hallway, moved to stand in front of him, dropping my hand to cup him through his pants. I stroked a couple times, and his dick responded. Oh, the fucking power.

“If you let me blow you in the limousine.” I slid down his front with every intention of leaving a lipstick stain on his fly, but he pulled me upright.

“Your face is already smeared.” He handed me his handkerchief. “Clean yourself up.” I wiped my mouth like a child who’d been chastised, then handed his now-stained fabric back. Instead of leading me through to the ballroom, he took a quick left and opened a door. We walked down a flight of steps and through a dimly lit tunnel to another door. This time, he took a set of keys and unlocked the deadbolt.

“Where are we?” But when he flicked the light on, I recognized the chains, the hard floor. Noticed the shackles attached to the wall. Fuck. Thick black bracelets for the wrists and ankles.

“Strip. And give me your panties.”

I smiled because the tone, the danger in it, the man himself were all turning me on. “I’m not wearing any.”

The hunger in his eyes grew to a flame and my pussy was so wet, I could feel it on my legs when I squished them together to try to calm the throbbing.

“Do you trust me, Riley?” There was an intensity to him as he pierced me with his intense gaze that made my adrenaline pump a little harder. The anticipation was so fucking hot.
